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如何从 CDN 加载 React.Component 并渲染到另一个 React.Component

[英]How to load a React.Component from a CDN and render into another React.Component

Note: None of the answers actually work [DO NOT DELETE THIS NOTE]注意:没有一个答案真正起作用[请勿删除此注释]

simple question, I got a project, npx create-react-app react-project (consider this Project Y)简单的问题,我有一个项目,npx create-react-app react-project(考虑这个项目Y)

now, inside this project's App.js现在,在这个项目的 App.js 中

import React, { Component } from 'react'

export default class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (

now in CDN I have another Comp.js (Consider this Project X)现在在 CDN 我有另一个 Comp.js(考虑这个项目 X)

https://codepen.io/sirakc/pen/ZEWEMjQ.js https://codepen.io/sirakc/pen/ZEWEMjQ.js

import React, { Component } from 'react'

export default class Comp extends Component {
  render() {
    return (

now I want to show the Comp.js into App.js as if you are taking it from local source folder现在我想将 Comp.js 显示到 App.js 中,就好像你从本地源文件夹中获取它一样


import React, { Component } from 'react'
//somehow somewhere import Comp.js and then <Comp/>

export default class Comp extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        HELLO <Comp/>

and ofc the output should be和 ofc output 应该是


when I run the project react-project and if in the CDN I change WORLD to EARTH it should change WORLD to EARTH in the output as well当我运行项目 react-project 并且如果在 CDN 中我将WORLD更改为EARTH它应该在 output 中将WORLD更改为EARTH

so now react-project's output is HELLO EARTH所以现在 react-project 的 output 是HELLO EARTH

I am putting all my rep into a bounty for this, upvote if you like this question to help me attract attention.为此,我将所有代表都投入到赏金中,如果您喜欢这个问题以帮助我吸引注意力,请点赞。

NOTE: my need is to show React project X inside React project Y without touching much of project Y and ofc update the project X without updating anything inside project Y, so yea the <script src='chunk.js'/> isn't gonna work here, the chunk name changes, if you can find a way to not make it change, then its great, do share.注意:我需要在 React 项目 Y 中显示 React 项目 X,而不涉及项目 Y 的大部分内容,并且 ofc 更新项目 X 而不更新项目 Y 中的任何内容,所以是的<script src='chunk.js'/>不是会在这里工作,块名称会改变,如果你能找到一种不让它改变的方法,那就太好了,分享一下。 If you know a working way to do this bundled into chunk.js DO SHARE!如果您知道将其捆绑到 chunk.js 中的工作方式,请分享!

ANY WAY OF DOING THIS IS WELCOMED, as long as Project X is independent of Project Y and I can make changes to Project X without changing Project Y欢迎任何方式这样做,只要项目 X 独立于项目 Y 并且我可以在不更改项目 Y 的情况下更改项目 X

There are a few options you have at hand.您手头有几个选项。

Option 1 - Create a NPM Package选项 1 - 创建 NPM Package

Turn Project X into a module.Project X变成一个模块。

This will mean you will go to Project X development folder, and run npm login and npm publish .这意味着您将 go 到Project X开发文件夹,并运行npm loginnpm publish You can read more about that here您可以在此处阅读更多相关信息

After that, once your package is on NPM You can go to Project Y and do the following:之后,一旦您的 package 在NPM上,您可以 go 到项目 Y并执行以下操作:

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import Comp from 'my-package'

export default class Comp extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        HELLO <Comp/>

Option 2 - Load a bundled JS选项 2 - 加载捆绑的 JS

Instead of having your script load the following:而不是让您的脚本加载以下内容:

import React, { Component } from 'react'

export default class Comp extends Component {
  render() {
    return (

This is JSX Syntax.这是 JSX 语法。 And it cannot be read in plain Vanilla JS - thus you cannot just import it like <script src="myscript.js" /> since this is not valid JS without a parser like Babel.并且它不能在普通的 Vanilla JS 中读取 - 因此你不能像<script src="myscript.js" />那样导入它,因为如果没有像 Babel 这样的解析器,这不是有效的 JS。

I would go to Project X and run npm run build .我会 go 到Project X并运行npm run build After that I would get the bundle.js - bundled and minified script written in Plain JS.之后我会得到bundle.js - 用普通 JS 编写的捆绑和缩小脚本。 It would look something like this:它看起来像这样:

(this.webpackJsonpchrome_extension=this.webpackJsonpchrome_extension||[]).push([[2],[function(e,t,n){"use strict";e.exports=n(99)},,function(e,t,n){"use strict";function r(){return(r=Object.assign||function(e){for(var t=1;t<arguments.length;t++){var n=arguments[t];for(var r in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,r)&&(e[r]=n[r])}return e}).apply(this,arguments)}n.d(t,"a",(function(){return r}))},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function r(e,t){if(null==e)return{};var n,r,i={},o=Object.keys(e);for(r=0;r<o.length;r++)n=o[r],t.indexOf(n)

Basically non-human readable code, which is parsable by <script src="myscript.js" /> tag.基本上非人类可读的代码,可由<script src="myscript.js" />标签解析。 And then you would have to go to your index.html and inject it there, or use some of modules like react-script-tag然后你必须 go 到你的index.html并在那里注入它,或者使用一些模块,如react-script-tag

I would highly highly recommend going with Option #1.我强烈推荐使用选项#1。 Since this is the preferred way to go.因为这是 go 的首选方式。 Look into creating NPM packages from your React project, and follow step by step.研究从您的 React 项目中创建 NPM 包,然后逐步进行操作。

Some more useful links about Option #1:关于选项 #1 的一些更有用的链接:

Create a simple React npm package in simple steps using CRA 使用 CRA 在简单的步骤中创建一个简单的 React npm package

How to publish your React component on npm 如何在 npm 上发布你的 React 组件

Hope this will guide you in the right direction, but the current way you are doing it is a no-go希望这将引导您朝着正确的方向前进,但是您目前的做法是行不通的

EDIT - Tehnically there is an option #3, but I wouldn't recommend it.编辑 - 从技术上讲,有一个选项 #3,但我不推荐它。

Option 3 - Make your url provide just JSX, and load it in dangerouslySetInnerHtml .选项 3 - 让您的 url 仅提供 JSX,并将其加载到dangerouslySetInnerHtml中。

Let's say your https://codepen.io/sirakc/pen/ZEWEMjQ.js would provide with this only:假设您的https://codepen.io/sirakc/pen/ZEWEMjQ.js仅提供:


Technically, you could then turn your link into something more readable, like .txt extension, fetch it, store it in a variable, and load it in dangerouslySetInnerHTML .从技术上讲,您可以将您的链接变成更具可读性的内容,例如.txt扩展名,获取它,将其存储在变量中,然后将其加载到dangerouslySetInnerHTML的 SetInnerHTML 中。

for example:例如:

const otherProjectJSX = somehowLoad(https://codepen.io/sirakc/pen/ZEWEMjQ.js)

const MyApp = () => <div dangrouslySetInnerHtml={otherProjectJSX} />

Basically it would be this:基本上是这样的:

const otherProjectJSX = '<div>WORLD</div>'

const MyApp = () => <div dangrouslySetInnerHtml={otherProjectJSX} />

I would not recommend this, but if it is only what is inside render() you care about - it might work after all.我不建议这样做,但如果它只是你关心的render()内部的内容 - 它毕竟可能会起作用。

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