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如何将 UUID 的 ArrayList 转换为 ByteArray?

[英]How Do I Convert An ArrayList of UUID To A ByteArray?

object UUIDConversion {
    fun UUID.toByteArray() : ByteArray {
        val byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(ByteArray(16))
        return byteBuffer.array()
    fun ByteArray.toUUID() : UUID {
        val byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(this)
        val mostSignificantBits = byteBuffer.long
        val leastSignificantBits = byteBuffer.long
        return UUID(mostSignificantBits, leastSignificantBits)

I have the code above to convert a UUID to a ByteArray and convert it back but I also need to be able to convert an ArrayList to a ByteArray and convert it back.我有上面的代码将 UUID 转换为 ByteArray 并将其转换回来,但我还需要能够将 ArrayList 转换为 ByteArray 并将其转换回来。 How would I do that exactly?我该怎么做呢? If you're wondering why I need to do this it's because I need to store a HashMap<UUID, ArrayList in a key-value database and I need to convert it to a ByteArray and back to use it.如果您想知道为什么我需要这样做,那是因为我需要将 HashMap<UUID, ArrayList 存储在键值数据库中,并且我需要将其转换为 ByteArray 并返回使用它。

Java or Kotlin answers are both fine. Java 或 Kotlin 答案都很好。

You could just use + operator to concatenate independant UUID byte arrays, like so:您可以使用+运算符连接独立的 UUID 字节 arrays,如下所示:

val allUUIDs : ByteArray = listOfUUID.fold(ByteArray(0)) { buffer, uuid -> buffer + uuid.toByteArray() }

However, if you have long chains to convert, maybe performance could signicantly drop.但是,如果您要转换的链很长,则性能可能会显着下降。 Instead, you can make dedicated methods to read/write to/from byte buffers:相反,您可以使用专用方法来读取/写入字节缓冲区:

import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.util.*
import kotlin.RuntimeException

fun ByteBuffer.readUUIDs(nbUUIDs : Int = remaining()/16) : Sequence<UUID> {
    if (nbUUIDs <= 0) return emptySequence()
    val nbBytes = nbUUIDs * 16
    // Defensive copy -> resulting sequence becomes independant from receiver buffer
    val defCpy = ByteArray(nbBytes)
    // slice is required to left source buffer untouched
    val view = ByteBuffer.wrap(defCpy)
    return (1..nbUUIDs).asSequence()
        .map { UUID(view.long, view.long) }

fun List<UUID>?.write() : ByteBuffer? {
    if (this == null || isEmpty()) return null;
    val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Math.multiplyExact(size, 16))
    forEach { uuid ->
    return buffer

fun main() {
    val uuids = (0..3).asSequence().map { UUID.randomUUID() }.toList()
    val writtenUUIDs = uuids.write()
    val uuidSequence = writtenUUIDs ?.readUUIDs() ?: throw RuntimeException("Bug")

    // Note that now, we can do whatever we want with the buffer. The sequence is not impacted

    val readBack = uuidSequence?.toList()
    assert(uuids == readBack) { throw RuntimeException("Bug") }

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