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操作 python 中的 n 级深度列表列表中的每个元素

[英]Manipulating every element in an n-level deep list of lists in python

Assuming we have a list of lists:假设我们有一个列表列表:

list_of_lists = [['a','b'],['x','y','z']]

What could be considered as an efficient way to assign a value for each element?什么可以被认为是为每个元素分配值的有效方法?

new_list_of_lists = assign_value_to_all_elements(list_of_lists,'0') 
>> [['0','0'],['0','0','0']]

A non-efficient way that comes to my mind is:我想到的一种非有效方式是:

def assign_value_to_all_elements(list_of_lists, new_value = '0'):
    for i in range(len(list_of_lists)):
        for j in range(len(list_of_lists[i])):
            list_of_lists[i][j] = new_value
    return list_of_lists

We even cannot do this with a numpy array:我们甚至不能用 numpy 数组来做到这一点:

import numpy as np
list_of_lists_as_np_array = np.array([['a','b'],['x','y','z']])
list_of_lists_as_np_array[:,:] = '0'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<ipython-input-17-90ee38fde5f2>", line 3, in <module>
    list_of_lists_as_np_array[:,:] = '0'
IndexError: too many indices for array

Only when both lists are the same size, it works:只有当两个列表大小相同时,它才有效:

import numpy as np
   ...: list_of_lists_as_np_array = np.array([['a','b'],['x','y']])
   ...: list_of_lists_as_np_array[:,:] = '0'
   ...: list_of_lists_as_np_array
array([['0', '0'],
       ['0', '0']], dtype='<U1')

In the example, we are working with list of lists (2 levels deep).在示例中,我们正在使用列表列表(2 级深)。

However this could be generalized to list of list of... lists (n levels deep).但是,这可以概括为...列表列表(n 级深)。

Is there a general way to assign to or manipulate every 'base element' (by which i mean type(element)?=list ) in an n-level deep list of lists?是否有一种通用方法可以分配或操作 n 级深度列表列表中的每个“基本元素”(我的意思是 type(element)?=list )?

We will use recursion here since we don't want to write n for-loops and cannot do it anyway as the depth of your list of lists is not known in advance.我们将在这里使用递归,因为我们不想编写n for 循环并且无论如何都不能这样做,因为您的列表列表的深度是事先不知道的。

The trick is to call the function again if the currently viewed element is a list, or replace its value with value if it's not.诀窍是如果当前查看的元素是列表,则再次调用 function,如果不是,则将其值替换为value

def assign_value_to_all_elements(nested_list, value):
    for n, element in enumerate(nested_list):
        if type(element) is list:
            assign_value_to_all_elements(element, value) # Same work but on a smaller
                                                         # segment of the initial list!
            nested_list[n] = value

l = [['a', 'b'], ['x', 'y', 'z'], [[1, 2, 3, [4, 5, 6]]], [[[[[[[[None]]]]]]]]]
assign_value_to_all_elements(l, 0)
>>> [[0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [[0, 0, 0, [0, 0, 0]]], [[[[[[[[0]]]]]]]]]

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