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有没有办法传递一个列表来确定 django 表单中的字段?

[英]Is there a way to pass a list to determine fields in a django form?

I have a list determined by an admin for which fields the user should be able to fill out.我有一个由管理员确定的列表,用户应该能够填写哪些字段。 I have tried passing a subset of my fields into the fields variable in my forms.py but all the fields are still rendered in the template.我尝试将我的字段子集传递到我的 forms.py 中的 fields 变量中,但所有字段仍呈现在模板中。

forms.py forms.py

class myForm(forms.ModelForm):

    myList = ['field1']

    field1 = forms.CharField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}))
    field2 = forms.CharField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}))

    class Meta:
        model = myModel
        fields = myList

Im just rendering my form with {{ form }} in my html.我只是在我的 html 中使用{{ form }}渲染我的表单。 I dont get any errors but my app renders all the fields instead of just the ones in my list我没有收到任何错误,但我的应用程序呈现所有字段,而不仅仅是列表中的字段

try this code below:试试下面的代码:

class myModel(models.Model):  # Your Model
    field1 = models.CharField( .. )
    field2 = models.CharField( .. )

class myForm(forms.ModelForm):  # Your Form Model
    class Meta:
        model = myModel
        fields = ['field1']
        widgets = {
            'field1': forms.TextInput( attrs={'class': 'form-control'} )

refer to https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.1/topics/forms/modelforms/参考https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.1/topics/forms/modelforms/

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