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从 C++ 中的字符串中提取标记

[英]Extracting tokens from string in C++

Edit: I'm looking for a solution that doesn't use regex since it seems buggy and not trustable编辑:我正在寻找一个不使用正则表达式的解决方案,因为它看起来有问题且不可信

I had the following function which extracts tokens of a string whenever one the following symbols is found: +,-,^,*,!我有以下 function ,只要找到以下符号,它就会提取字符串的标记: +,-,^,*,!

bool extract_tokens(string expression, std::vector<string> &tokens) {    
    static const std::regex reg(R"(\+|\^|-|\*|!|\(|\)|([\w|\s]+))");
    std::copy(std::sregex_token_iterator(right_token.begin(), right_token.end(), reg, 0),
    return true;

I though it worked perfectly until today I found an edge case, The following input: !aaa + !我虽然它工作得很好,直到今天我发现了一个边缘案例,以下输入:!aaa + ! a is supposed to return ,,aaa,+,!, a But it returns ,,aaa,+,"",!, a Notice the extra empty string between + and.. a 应该返回,,aaa,+,!, a但它返回,,aaa,+,"",!, a注意 + 和.. 之间的额外空字符串

How may I prevent this behaviour?我怎样才能防止这种行为? I think this can be done with the regex expression,我认为这可以用正则表达式来完成,

Inspired by https://stackoverflow.com/a/9436872/4645334 you could solve the problem with:https://stackoverflow.com/a/9436872/4645334启发,您可以通过以下方式解决问题:

bool extract_tokens(std::string expression, std::vector<std::string> &tokens) {
  std::string token;

  for (const auto& c: expression) {
    if (c == '/' || c == '-' || c == '*' || c == '+' || c == '!') {
      if (token.length() && !std::all_of(token.cbegin(), token.cend(), [](auto c) { return c == ' '; })) tokens.push_back(token);
      tokens.emplace_back(1, c);
    } else {
      token += c;

  if (token.length() && !std::all_of(token.cbegin(), token.cend(), [](auto c) { return c == ' '; })) tokens.push_back(token);
  return true;


"!aaa + ! a"

Output: Output:

"!","aaa ","+","!"," a"

In an attempt to salvage the regular expression-based solution, I came up with this:为了挽救基于正则表达式的解决方案,我想出了这个:


Demo .演示 This reports delimiters, and anything between delimiters including leading and trailing whitespace, but drops tokens consisting of whitespace alone.这会报告分隔符,以及分隔符之间的任何内容,包括前导空格和尾随空格,但会丢弃仅由空格组成的标记。

A similar expression that also strips leading and trailing whitespace:一个类似的表达式也去除了前导和尾随空格:



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