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[英]Python: check if a key exists in a nested dict

I am trying to check if a certain key exists in a nested dict.我正在尝试检查嵌套字典中是否存在某个键。


x = [{
    '11': { 
        0: [
                'bb_id': '122',
                'cc_id': '4343'
        1: [
                'bb_id': '4334',
                'cc_id': '3443'
                'bb_id': '5345',
                'cc_id': '257'

I need to check if the key '11' exists in x , and further if the key 0 exists in the value of the key '11' .我需要检查键'11'是否存在于x中,以及键0是否存在于键'11'的值中。

I've tried doing:我试过做:

print(any(0 in d for d in x if '11' in d))

It seems this would achieve what you are trying to do:看来这将实现您正在尝试做的事情:

any(['11' in d.keys() and 0 in d['11'].keys() for d in x])


  • Iterate over each dictionary in the list named x ;遍历列表中名为x的每个字典;
  • Search each dictionary for a key of '11' , and search its value (which is expected to be a dictionary too) for a key of 0 ;在每个字典中搜索'11'的键,并在其值(也应该是字典)中搜索0的键;
  • If both conditions are met, return True ;如果两个条件都满足,则返回True else, return False .否则,返回False

In the question's comments, Sushanth has provided an even shorter and possibly more Pythonic way, using a generator and the dictionary's get() method with an empty dictionary as a fallback value:在问题的评论中,Sushanth 提供了一种更短且可能更 Pythonic 的方式,使用生成器和字典的get()方法以及空字典作为后备值:

any(d.get('11', {}).get(0) for d in x)

What you have here is a list of dicts with values as a dict of lists of dicts.您在这里拥有的是一个字典列表,其值作为字典列表的字典。

Try this one-liner list comprehension.试试这个单行列表理解。 x here is a list of dicts (in this case with a single dict). x这里是一个字典列表(在这种情况下是一个字典)。 The code below returns True for every dict that is in x if '11' exists in its key AND if 0 exists in the key of value of '11' .如果'11' exists in its key中并且如果0 exists in the key of value of '11' ,则下面的代码为x中的每个 dict 返回 True '11' 。 Only if both conditions are met, you get a TRUE else FALSE -只有当这两个条件都满足时,你才会得到一个TRUE else FALSE -

  1. Iterate over items of x迭代 x 的项目
  2. Iterate over the dicts inside items of x迭代 x 的项目内的字典
  3. Check if the items in x have a key = '11' AND if items in dicts inside items of x have key = 0检查 x 中的项目是否有 key = '11' 并且 x 的项目内的 dicts 中的项目是否有 key = 0
  4. If both conditions are met, return True else False如果两个条件都满足,则返回True否则返回False
#Items to detect
a = '11'
b = 0

#Iterate of the nested dictionaries and check conditions
result = [(k==a and b in v.keys()) for i in x for k,v in i.items()]

A raw way to do that could just be an if condition:一个原始的方法可能只是一个 if 条件:

if '11' in x[0]:
    print("11 in x")

if 0 in x[0]['11']:
    print("0 in 11")

You could also use a for loop:您还可以使用 for 循环:

for d in x:
    if '11' in d:
        print("11 in d")
        if any(d['11']) and 0 in d['11']:
            print("0 in 11")

has_key = lambda key, _dict: re.search("{%s" % str(key),   str(_dict).replace(" ", ""))

I came up with another way to do it.我想出了另一种方法来做到这一点。

(d.get('key1') or {}).get('key2')

Our example:我们的例子:

(x[0].get('11') or {}).get(0)

Explanation of Steps:步骤说明:

x[0] = Gets dictionary x[0] = 获取字典

(x[0].get('11') or {}) = Tries and gets key '11' key from dictionary x ; (x[0].get('11') or {}) = 尝试从字典x中获取键'11'键; if the key doesn't exist, then just set a blank dictionary {} .如果密钥不存在,则只需设置一个空白字典{}

(x[0].get('11') or {}).get(0) = Remember .get() on a dictionary will return None if the 0 doesn't exist rather than throw an error. (x[0].get('11') or {}).get(0) = 记住,如果0不存在,字典上的.get()将返回 None 而不是抛出错误。

get(key[, default])

Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default. 
If default is not given, it defaults to None, so that this method never raises a KeyError.

See Python docs here for.get() 请参阅此处的 Python 文档 for.get()

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