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如何从 javascript 中的正则表达式组中省略一些文本?

[英]How to omit some text from regex group in javascript?

let regexp = /(\b(."https?|ftp|file):\/\/[-"A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|:,.;;]*[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|])/i

let stringData = `<p><a href="https://domainName.com/chat/conversationId">https://dev.uniteliving.com/chat/bk7RELvbh7KrvJ6ii#</a>`;

Here matching ="https this string and group ="https://domainName.com/chat/conversationId .这里匹配="https这个字符串和组="https://domainName.com/chat/conversationId

I want to omit =" from the group. Actually need to https://domainName.com/chat/conversationId .我想从组中省略=" 。实际上需要https://domainName.com/chat/conversationId

Please any body suggest me.请任何机构建议我。 How to solved it?如何解决?


Use this regex:使用这个正则表达式:


Test it on regex101在 regex101 上测试它

What I changed is use a lookbehind (?<=") instead of a simple match for this character " you don't want.我改变的是使用后视(?<=")而不是简单匹配这个字符"你不想要。

The original regex was also trying to match "any" character before the " , I removed this as I don't think it is useful (at least it's not necessayr with your example).原始的正则表达式还试图匹配 " 之前的"任何”字符,我删除了它,因为我认为它没有用(至少它不是你的例子所必需的)。

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