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如何使用 LINQ 加入子查询

[英]How to JOIN a Sub-Query using LINQ

I am new to Entity Framework and LINQ and am struggling to "convert" my SQL query to its syntax.我是 Entity Framework 和 LINQ 的新手,并且正在努力将我的 SQL 查询“转换”为其语法。

Given is a table that contains production orders with OrderNumber , Quantity , Material etc. as columns.给定的表格包含以OrderNumberQuantityMaterial等为列的生产订单。 Additionally there is a column Timestamp .此外还有一列Timestamp

If the quantity of an order would be updated, this results in a completely new entry in the table where all values would be the same as a previous row except for Timestamp (indicating the time of the change) and Quantity (containing the new value).如果要更新订单的数量,则会在表中产生一个全新的条目,其中所有值都与前一行相同,除了Timestamp (指示更改时间)和Quantity (包含新值) . Thus allowing me to have a "history" of an order.从而让我有一个订单的“历史”。

Selecting only the latest version of a specific order using SQL could look like this:使用 SQL 仅选择特定订单的最新版本可能如下所示:

FROM dbo.ProductionOrders as p1
  JOIN (SELECT OrderNumber, MAX(Timestamp) as Timestamp FROM dbo.ProductionOrders GROUP BY OrderNumber) as p2
    on p1.OrderNumber = p2.OrderNumber and p1.Timestamp = p2.Timestamp
WHERE p1.OrderNumber = 'order-182736'

The same functionality I got done in my C# code like this:我在 C# 代码中完成的功能相同,如下所示:

var productionOrder = _db.ProductionOrders.Where(po => po.OrderNumber == "order-182736")
                                          .OrderByDescending(po => po.Timestamp)

Where I am lost is when I want to get multiple rows.当我想获得多行时,我迷路了。 For example all orders for a specific material.例如,特定材料的所有订单。 Using SQL I only have to adjust the WHERE condition:使用 SQL 我只需要调整WHERE条件:

FROM dbo.ProductionOrders as p1
  JOIN (SELECT OrderNumber, MAX(Timestamp) as Timestamp FROM dbo.ProductionOrders GROUP BY OrderNumber) as p2
    on p1.OrderNumber = p2.OrderNumber and p1.Timestamp = p2.Timestamp
WHERE p1.Material = 42

The examples I found for JOIN using LINQ don't operate on sub-queries (my main source is microsoft.com )我使用 LINQ 为JOIN找到的示例不适用于子查询(我的主要来源是microsoft.com

How can I get all latest "versions" of orders for a specific material using LINQ?如何使用 LINQ 获得特定材料的所有最新“版本”订单?

You can do it the exact same way as in SQL.您可以按照与 SQL 完全相同的方式进行操作。 _db.ProductionOrders in LINQ to Entities represents the dbo.ProductionOrders in SQL, and you can use it in both top and subquery level: _db.ProductionOrders中的 _db.ProductionOrders 到 Entities 表示dbo.ProductionOrders中的 dbo.ProductionOrders,您可以在顶级和子查询级别使用它:

var query = _db.ProductionOrders
        .GroupBy(p2 => new { p2.OrderNumber })
        .Select(g => new { g.Key.OrderNumber, Timestamp = g.Max(e => e.Timestamp) }), // subquery
        p1 => new { p1.OrderNumber, p1.Timestamp }, p2 => p2, // join condition
        (p1, p2) => p1) // result selector (p1.*)
    .Where(p1 => p1.Material == 42);

(Note: Not sure where Label is coming from in your SQL queries, so using OrderNumber instead). (注意:不确定Label在您的 SQL 查询中来自何处,因此请改用OrderNumber )。

or if you prefer, the same in LINQ query syntax:或者,如果您愿意,也可以使用 LINQ 查询语法:

var query =
    from p1 in _db.ProductionOrders
    join p2 in (from p2 in _db.ProductionOrders
                group p2 by new { p2.OrderNumber }) into g
                select new { g.Key.OrderNumber, Timestamp = g.Max(p2 => p2.Timestamp) })
    on new { p1.OrderNumber, p1.Timestamp } equals p2
    where p1.Material == 42
    select p1;

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