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如何从 a.Net Core 3.1 进程启动 a.Net Core 3.1 进程?

[英]How to start a .Net Core 3.1 process from a .Net Core 3.1 process?

I am trying to start a child.Net Core 3.1 process from another.Net Core 3.1 process for anonymous pipe communication.我正在尝试从另一个.Net Core 3.1 进程启动一个 child.Net Core 3.1 进程以进行匿名 pipe 通信。

_childProcess = new Process();
_childProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "childProcess.exe";
_childProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
_childProcess.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain?.BaseDirectory;

results in the error when debugging: "To run this application, you must install.Net Core".调试时导致错误:“要运行此应用程序,您必须安装.Net Core”。


The child process project is a dependency of the parent project which results in the childProcess.exe being copied into the output directory of the parent process.子进程项目是父项目的依赖项,导致childProcess.exe被复制到父进程的output目录中。 childProcess.exe can be started directly with no problem. childProcess.exe可以直接启动没有问题。 When started from code the runtime cannot be found.从代码启动时,无法找到运行时。

Make sure the child.runtimeconfig.json' is in the same directory as the client.exe`.确保child.runtimeconfig.json' is in the same directory as the

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