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C++ 将数字和逗号的字符数组转换为整数列表?

[英]C++ convert char array of digits and commas to list of integers?

I have a socket setup in C++ that receives a stream of chars in a buffer array我在 C++ 中有一个套接字设置,它接收缓冲区数组中的字符 stream

char buffer[MAXSIZE];

the characters in buffer can only be digits 0 , 1 ,..., 9 or a comma , . buffer中的字符只能是数字0 , 1 ,..., 9或逗号, . I would like to convert an example buffer content such as我想转换一个示例缓冲区内容,例如

buffer = {'1','2' , ',' , '3' , ',' , '5','6' , ...};

where the final char position is stored in a variable len , to a list of integers其中最终字符 position 存储在变量len中,到整数列表

integers = {12 , 3 , 56};

I can hack together a dumb way of doing this by iterating through the list of chars, taking each digit, multiplying it by 10 and adding the next digit, until I encounter a comma , .我可以通过遍历字符列表,获取每个数字,将其乘以 10 并添加下一个数字,直到遇到逗号,来组合一种愚蠢的方式来做到这一点。 But I guess this approach would be too slow for large data rate.但我想这种方法对于大数据速率来说太慢了。

What is the proper way of doing this conversion in C++?在 C++ 中进行此转换的正确方法是什么?

Assuming that a std::vector can be used, you can try this:假设可以使用std::vector ,你可以试试这个:

std::vector<int> integers;
int currentNumber = 0;
for(char c = ' ', int i = 0; i < MAX_SIZE; i++) {
    c = buffer[i];
    if(c == ',') {
        currentNumber = 0;
    } else {
        currentNumber *= 10;
        currentNumber += c - '0';

If you can use the range-v3 library, you could do this:如果你可以使用 range-v3 库,你可以这样做:

namespace rs = ranges;
namespace rv = ranges::views;

auto integers = buffer 
                | rv::split(',') 
                | rv::transform([](auto&& r) { 
                      return std::stoi(r | rs::to<std::string>); 
                | rs::to<std::vector<int>>;

Here's a demo .这是一个演示

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