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FRBR RDF-Ontology 有什么问题? “使用非绝对 IRI”是什么意思?

[英]Whats wrong with the FRBR RDF-Ontology? What does “Use of non-absolute IRI” mean?

I am trying to import a RDF-Ontology to Protégé or to webvowl .我正在尝试将 RDF-Ontology 导入 Protégé 或 webvowl There seems to be a problem with the RDF-File, because the import doesn't work, I always get an error (parsing failed). RDF-File似乎有问题,因为导入不起作用,我总是收到错误(解析失败)。

The ontology I want to use is FRBR-Core .我要使用的本体是FRBR-Core In addition to FRBR-Core, there is also the ontology FRBR-Extended .除了FRBR-Core,还有本体FRBR-Extended Oddly,the RDF-File for FRBR-Extended can be imported to Webvowl and Protégé, so this file does work.奇怪的是,FRBR-Extended 的 RDF 文件可以导入到 Webvowl 和 Protégé,所以这个文件确实有效。 I looked at the RDF-Files of both core and extended version, hoping that I would find a difference that explains, why one file does work and the other doesn't, but I couldn't find anything.我查看了核心版本和扩展版本的 RDF 文件,希望我能找到一个差异来解释为什么一个文件有效而另一个文件无效,但我找不到任何东西。

I copied the FRBR-Core-Ontology into the OWL Validator , to see what's wrong.我将 FRBR-Core-Ontology 复制到OWL Validator中,看看有什么问题。 The error I get is:我得到的错误是: FRBR-Core 的猫头鹰验证错误

Does anyone understand what that means?有谁明白这意味着什么? Or does anyone know at all, what the problem with FRBR-Core is?或者有谁知道,FRBR-Core 的问题是什么?

Thanks in advance!提前致谢!

Previous answer: this is correct in its description of why relative IRIs are a problem, but wrong in thinking it applies here.以前的答案:这在描述为什么相对 IRI 是一个问题时是正确的,但认为它适用于这里是错误的。

The ontology iri in the file starts with string: , which is not a valid network protocol(edit: according to the validator. The protocol is valid but the validator is restricted to urn:, http:, https:).文件中的本体 iri 以string:开头,这不是一个有效的网络协议(编辑:根据验证器。协议有效但验证器仅限于 urn:、http:、https:)。 Therefore, the IRI is relative, meaning that it will be resolved against the base IRI if one is present, or the file location otherwise.因此,IRI 是相对的,这意味着如果存在基本 IRI,它将根据基本 IRI 进行解析,否则将根据文件位置进行解析。

Given that you're seeing this violation, it means none of these mechanisms was available.鉴于您看到了这种违规行为,这意味着这些机制都不可用。

IRIs in an ontology cannot be relative, they must be absolute - otherwise the assertions will change according to where the file is parsed from.本体中的 IRI 不能是相对的,它们必须是绝对的 - 否则断言将根据解析文件的位置而改变。 This is a violation of the OWL specs, and is what is being highlighted here.这违反了 OWL 规范,并且是此处强调的内容。

I've tried the ontology in the validator and tried the code with OWLAPI 4 validation and directly in Protege.我已经在验证器中尝试了本体,并直接在 Protege 中尝试了使用 OWLAPI 4 验证的代码。 So, the following came up:于是,出现了以下情况:

  • the online validator you used is manually adding an ontology IRI, because the ontology itself does not have a declaration (Protege gives the following warning on loading:您使用的在线验证器是手动添加本体 IRI,因为本体本身没有声明(Protege 在加载时给出以下警告:

    INFO 08:02:37 Loading ontology from http://purl.org/vocab/frbr/frbr-core-20050810.rdf INFO 08:02:41 Notice: root element does not have an xml:base. INFO 08:02:37 从http: //purl.org/vocab/frbr/frbr-core-20050810.rdf 加载本体 信息 08:02:41 注意:根元素没有 Z0F635D0E0F3874FFF8B581C132E6C7A。 Relative IRIs will be resolved against http://purl.org/vocab/frbr/frbr-core-20050810.rdf相对 IRI 将针对http://purl.org/vocab/frbr/frbr-core-20050810.rdf解决

  • loading from the URL of the page you ave does not work - HTML is downloaded instead.从您访问的页面的 URL 加载不起作用 - 而是下载 HTML。 I'm not sure if this is a content negotiation issue or if the ontology was only meant to be accessible via the link inside the page.我不确定这是否是内容协商问题,或者本体是否只能通过页面内的链接访问。 Using this link works:使用此链接有效:

    http://purl.org/vocab/frbr/frbr-core-20050810.rdf http://purl.org/vocab/frbr/frbr-core-20050810.rdf

There are other OWL 2 DL violations, but they shouldn't stop you from using the ontology.还有其他 OWL 2 DL 违规,但它们不应阻止您使用本体。

Use of undeclared class: <http://web.resource.org/cc/Work> [ClassAssertion(<http://web.resource.org/cc/Work> <http://purl.org/vocab/frbr/frbr-core-20050810.rdf>) in OntologyID(OntologyIRI(<http://purl.org/vocab/frbr/frbr-core-20050810.rdf>) VersionIRI(<null>))]
Use of undeclared annotation property: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator>
Use of undeclared annotation property: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/issued>
Use of undeclared annotation property: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#changeNote>
Use of undeclared annotation property: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#example>
Use of undeclared annotation property: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#historyNote>
Use of undeclared annotation property: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#definition>
Use of reserved vocabulary for data property IRI: rdf:value [DataPropertyAssertion(rdf:value _:genid2147483651 "application/rdf+xml")
Use of reserved vocabulary for data property IRI: rdf:value [DataPropertyAssertion(rdf:value _:genid2147483649 "text/html")

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