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如何检索 USB 转串口地址?

[英]How to retrieve USB-to-serial address?


Pyserial: A USB serial device has different addresses depending on whether I install it to a desktop (Catalina) or laptop (High Sierra): Pyserial:USB 串行设备具有不同的地址,具体取决于我将其安装到台式机(Catalina)还是笔记本电脑(High Sierra):

ser = serial.Serial('/dev/cu.usbserial', 9600) #OSX High-Sierra
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/cu.usbserial-1D120', 9600) #OSX Catalina

Is there a method to use a wildcard?有没有使用通配符的方法? /dev/su.usbseria* . /dev/su.usbseria* The goal is one line of code that will handle either case.目标是处理任何一种情况的一行代码。

Any insight as to why -1D120 was appended, is appreciated.任何关于为什么附加-1D120的见解都值得赞赏。



import serial.tools.list_ports
#Find USB Port
def find_port():  #Finds which port the arduino is plugged into
    ports = list(serial.tools.list_ports.comports())
    for p in ports:
        if '0403' in p[2]: #unique to Osepp Uno (arduino clone)                
            return p[0]

Assume that the target string (regular expression) is of the format:假设目标字符串(正则表达式)的格式为:

/dev/cu.usbserial************** /dev/cu.usbserial**************

How would the above snippet of code be modified to trap and return the USB serial device?如何修改上述代码片段以捕获并返回 USB 串行设备?

Note: This answer was cut from the question and properly posted here.注意:此答案已从问题中删除并在此处正确发布。

Retrieve USB-to-serial address and open port检索 USB 转串口地址并打开端口

YMMV : mind the algorithm limitations. YMMV :注意算法限制。 Especially the trapping string: if there is more than one instance found (trapped), the last trapped list item will be returned => it may or may not be the intended target string.尤其是捕获字符串:如果发现(捕获)多个实例,将返回最后一个捕获的列表项=> 它可能是也可能不是预期的目标字符串。

import serial.tools.list_ports    
ports = list(serial.tools.list_ports.comports())
for p in ports: 
    #print(p[0])  #p[0] => target string
    if 'usbserial' in p[0]: #OSX: Trap usbserial device  /dev/cu.usbserial-1D120              
    if 'ttyUSB' in p[0]: #Ubuntu :Trap usbserial device  /dev/ttyUSB0

ser = serial.Serial(serAddr, 9600) # Open port at 9600 baud

A third untested trap for checking windows COM ports can be added:可以添加第三个未经测试的陷阱,用于检查 windows COM 端口:

import serial.tools.list_ports    
ports = list(serial.tools.list_ports.comports())
for p in ports: 
    #print(p[0])  #p[0] => target string
    if 'usbserial' in p[0]: #OSX: Trap usbserial device  /dev/cu.usbserial-1D120              
    if 'ttyUSB' in p[0]: #Ubuntu :Trap usbserial device  /dev/ttyUSB0
    if 'COM' in p[0]: #Windows :Trap usbserial device  COM3 COM7 etc.

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