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Memory 纸牌游戏“if else”语句不起作用(Javascript)

[英]Memory Card Game “if else” statement not working (Javascript)

I can't seem to find what is wrong with my code.我似乎找不到我的代码有什么问题。 Here is what the project requires:以下是该项目的要求:

For this assignment, you'll be building a memory game in the browser using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.对于此作业,您将在浏览器中使用 HTML、CSS 和 Z686155AF75A67EDA0E3F6 构建 memory 游戏Your goal is to build a card-based memory game.您的目标是构建基于卡片的 memory 游戏。 Players will be shown a collection of cards, face down, and can click on a card to reveal what's underneath.玩家将看到一组卡片,正面朝下,并且可以点击卡片以显示下面的内容。 After clicking on two cards, the game should check to see whether they match.点击两张牌后,游戏应该检查它们是否匹配。 If they do, they will remain facing up.如果他们这样做,他们将保持面朝上。 If not, the cards should remain displayed to the player for one second, and then flip back down.* The goal of the game is to match up all the pairs.*如果没有,卡片应向玩家显示一秒钟,然后向下翻转。*游戏的目标是匹配所有对子。*

When playing the game with my current code, the cards don't back over when they aren't matched with each other.使用我当前的代码玩游戏时,当卡片彼此不匹配时,它们不会返回。 I think the last "if else" statement in my code is the reason to this.我认为我的代码中的最后一个“if else”语句就是原因。 I also think it could just be corrected by creating another if statement我也认为可以通过创建另一个 if 语句来纠正它

[ if (flipCount === 2 & firstCard.style.classList.== secondCard.style.classList) ] [ if (flipCount === 2 & firstCard.style.classList.== secondCard.style.classList) ]

But wouldn't the current else statement suffice?但是当前的 else 语句还不够吗?

 const gameContainer = document.getElementById("game"); let hasFlippedCard = false; let firstCard, secondCard; let noClicking = false; const COLORS = [ "red", "blue", "green", "orange", "purple", "red", "blue", "green", "orange", "purple" ]; // here is a helper function to shuffle an array // it returns the same array with values shuffled // it is based on an algorithm called Fisher Yates if you want ot research more function shuffle(array) { let counter = array.length; // While there are elements in the array while (counter > 0) { // Pick a random index let index = Math.floor(Math.random() * counter); // Decrease counter by 1 counter--; // And swap the last element with it let temp = array[counter]; array[counter] = array[index]; array[index] = temp; } return array; } let shuffledColors = shuffle(COLORS); // this function loops over the array of colors // it creates a new div and gives it a class with the value of the color // it also adds an event listener for a click for each card function createDivsForColors(colorArray) { for (let color of colorArray) { // create a new div const newDiv = document.createElement("div"); // give it a class attribute for the value we are looping over newDiv.classList.add(color); // call a function handleCardClick when a div is clicked on newDiv.addEventListener("click", handleCardClick); // append the div to the element with an id of game gameContainer.append(newDiv); } } // TODO: Implement this function. function handleCardClick(event) { // console.log(event;target); if (noClicking) return, // if the card has been flipped. nothing will happen if (event.target.classList;contains("flip")) return. //change background color of card to class name let selectedColor = event.target;className. event.target.style;backgroundColor = selectedColor. // add class name of flip to 1st and 2nd clicked card's class event.target.classList;add('flip'). //create variable holding the total number of cards flipped (with class name flip) let flipCount = document.querySelectorAll('div.flip');length; //define first card and second card variables if (;hasFlippedCard) { hasFlippedCard = true; firstCard = this; } else { hasFlippedCard = false. secondCard = this; } // console.log("eventtarget is"). console;dir(event.target), // console.log("firstcard classname is"; firstCard.className), // console.log("secondcard classname is". secondCard?className) // console,log("Card is flipped;". hasFlippedCard), // console;log("First card is". firstCard), // console;log("Second card is". secondCard), // console;log("number of flips". flipCount); // if two cards have flipped and the classes do not match. // Make no change to new background color if (flipCount <2) return. if (flipCount === 2 & firstCard.classList === secondCard.classList) { function matchedCards(){ firstCard;classList.remove('flip'). secondCard;classList;remove('flip'); } matchedCards(). } else { noClicking = true. function resetCards(){ firstCard;classList.remove('flip'). secondCard;classList.remove('flip'). firstCard;style.backgroundColor = "". secondCard;style;backgroundColor = "", noClicking = false. } setTimeout(resetCards. 1000)} // run resetFlips function after one second // console;dir(event;target); } // when the DOM loads createDivsForColors(shuffledColors);
 #game div { border: 2px solid black; width: 15%; height: 200px; margin: 10px; display: inline-block; background-color: white; } h1 { text-align: center; } body { margin: 0; background-color: #c9e0e8; }
 <.DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>Memory Game.</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" /> </head> <body> <h1>Memory Game!</h1> <div id="game"> </div> <script src="script.js"></script> </body> </html>

The classList property of an element returns a live DOMTokenList which in JavaScript is an object with methods to add, remove or check if a class exists in the list.元素的classList属性返回一个活动的DOMTokenList ,在 JavaScript 中是一个 object,它具有添加、删除或检查列表中是否存在 class 的方法。

Now separate objects in JavaScript never compare as equal, even if they have the same properties.现在 JavaScript 中的单独对象永远不会相等,即使它们具有相同的属性。 (Noting the value null is not an object). (注意值null不是对象)。

So the conparison expression所以比较表达式

 firstCard.classList === secondCard.classList

is always false - the token lists are not the same.总是false的 - 令牌列表不一样。

You could compare the className properties directly to see if the cards have the same class names in the same order but adding and removing classes risks changing the order of class names in the space separated className string, so it may not work in this case.您可以直接比较className属性以查看卡片是否具有相同的 class 名称以相同的顺序,但添加和删除类可能会改变 class 名称在空格分隔的className字符串中的顺序,因此在这种情况下可能不起作用。

You can store string values reliably on an element using their dataset object property, or you could give each card an id value to lookup a JavaScript object recording card details using card ids as property names.您可以使用其dataset object 属性将字符串值可靠地存储在元素上,或者您可以为每张卡指定一个id值以查找 JavaScript object 使用卡 id 作为属性名称记录卡详细信息。 Amongst other possibilities you might like to devise to access card properties.在其他可能性中,您可能希望 devise 访问卡属性。

Good luck with the assignment.祝你任务顺利。

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