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有一种方法可以比较向量等于 C++ 中另一个向量的一部分吗?

[英]Is the a way to compare vector to be equal to part of another vector in C++?

If I have:如果我有:

A = {"one", "two", "three"} A = {“一”、“二”、“三”}

B = {"one", "two"} B = {“一”,“二”}

I want to avoid creating a new vector from A. Is there a way to use [A.begin(), A.begin()+1] to compare with B?我想避免从 A 创建一个新向量。有没有办法使用 [A.begin(), A.begin()+1] 与 B 进行比较?

There is a version of std::equal that could do:有一个 std::equal 版本可以做到:

template< class InputIt1, class InputIt2 >
bool equal( InputIt1 first1, InputIt1 last1,
            InputIt2 first2, InputIt2 last2 );

https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/equal https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/equal

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