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如何将 Python 中的数据导出到 .txt?

[英]How can I export data from Python to .txt?

I am a new Python user and I have a question regarding exporting data from Python.我是一个新的 Python 用户,我有一个关于从 Python 导出数据的问题。 I wrote a code to create a mesh using Delaunay triangulation.我编写了一个代码来使用 Delaunay 三角剖分创建网格。 For the triangulation I used matplotlib.tri library.对于三角测量,我使用了 matplotlib.tri 库。 I got a plot of a grid and now I would like to save coordinates of nodes and elements.我得到了一个网格的 plot,现在我想保存节点和元素的坐标。 So I saved list of nodes:所以我保存了节点列表:

#saving data
data = np.array([mesh_x, mesh_y]) #mesh_x and mesh_y - nodes that used in triangulation
data = np.transpose(data)
np.savetxt('nodes_data.txt', data, delimiter = ',')

Now I want to save elements, each of which contains two nodes because I consider truss-elements.现在我想保存元素,每个元素都包含两个节点,因为我考虑桁架元素。 Do you have any suggestions, how can I export elements to.txt file?您有什么建议,我如何将元素导出到 .txt 文件?


My best understanding of your question leads me to this answer我对您的问题的最佳理解使我得到了这个答案

In [7]: import numpy as np 
   ...: from matplotlib.tri import Triangulation 
   ...: np.random.seed(sum(ord(c) for c in 'gboffi')) 
   ...: x, y = [np.random.random(10) for _ in (0,0)] 
   ...: tri = Triangulation(x, y) 
   ...: print(tri.edges)                                                                  
[[1 0]
 [2 1]
 [4 0]
 [4 1]
 [5 0]
 [5 1]
 [5 2]
 [6 0]
 [6 3]
 [6 4]
 [7 3]
 [7 4]
 [7 6]
 [8 1]
 [8 2]
 [8 4]
 [8 7]
 [9 0]
 [9 3]
 [9 6]]

In [8]:  

Is this what you want?这是你想要的吗?

PS I have read a hidden comment of yours: Abaqus/CAE has ways better meshing support. PS 我读过你的一个隐藏评论:Abaqus/CAE 有更好的网格支持。

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