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为什么这个名为“showTree”的 function 可以正常工作?

[英]Why does this function called: “showTree” work correctly?

This is the function that I don't understand:这是我不明白的function:

void showTree (node ​​* tree, int cont) {
    if (tree == NULL) {
    else {
        showTree (tree-> right, cont + 1);
        for (int i = 0; i <cont; i ++) {
          cout << " ";
        cout << tree-> data << endl;
        showTree (tree-> left, cont + 1);

I do not understand:我不明白:

  • How do you get to the for loop if that function is always called recursively?如果 function 总是被递归调用,你如何进入 for 循环?

  • How are tree items displayed if that function is always called recursively?如果 function 总是被递归调用,树项目如何显示?

If someone could explain to me how this feature works I would really appreciate it.如果有人可以向我解释此功能是如何工作的,我将不胜感激。

How do you get to the for loop if that function is always called recursively?如果 function 总是被递归调用,你如何进入 for 循环?

The function returns immediately if tree == NULL , so it may continue onto the for loop.如果tree == NULL ,则 function 立即返回,因此它可能会继续进入for循环。

How are tree items displayed if that function is always called recursively?如果 function 总是被递归调用,树项目如何显示?

The output is produced by the for loop and the next statement, so same reasoning. output 是由for循环和下一条语句产生的,所以同理。

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