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您最终为 Container Insights for EKS 为短期 Pod 创建的每个指标支付了多少费用?

[英]How much do you end up paying for each metric created by Container Insights for EKS for short lived pods?

I just enabled Container Insights in my EKS cluster following the Amazon's Quick Start Setup for Conainer Insights on Amazon EKS .我刚刚在我的 EKS 集群中启用了 Container Insights,遵循 Amazon 的Amazon EKS 上的 Conainer Insights 快速启动设置

I see that the number of metrics is quickly increasing, CloudWatch > Metrics > Custom Namespaces > ContainerInsights is already 1279 metrics with the majority of them under ClusterName, Namespace, Podname (979 metrics)我看到指标的数量在快速增加,CloudWatch > Metrics > Custom Namespaces > ContainerInsights 已经有 1279 个指标,其中大部分在 ClusterName、Namespace、Podname 下(979 个指标)

Under ContainerInsights > ClusterName, Namespace, PodName is creating 4-5 metrics for each new pod and the number of pods steadily increase since we have Airflow creating new short-lived pods all the time.在 ContainerInsights > ClusterName、Namespace 下,PodName 为每个新 pod 创建 4-5 个指标,并且 pod 的数量稳步增加,因为我们一直有 Airflow 个创建新的短期pod。

Since CloudWatch Pricing indicates that we pay 0.30$ per custom metric/month, does that means that I will get billed ~1000x0.30 = 300$?由于CloudWatch 定价表明我们每月为每个自定义指标支付 0.30 美元,这是否意味着我将收到约 1000x0.30 = 300 美元的账单? The pricing page also indicates that All custom metrics charges are prorated by the hour and metered only when you send metrics to CloudWatch .定价页面还表明所有自定义指标费用按小时按比例分配,并且仅在您将指标发送到 CloudWatch 时才计费 Since almost all the pods are short-lived (less than an hour), does that mean that I will get billed only ~1000x(0.30/(30days * 24hours)) = ~1000*(0.30/720) = 0.41$?由于几乎所有的 pod 都是短暂的(不到一个小时),这是否意味着我只会被计费 ~1000x(0.30/(30days * 24hours)) = ~1000*(0.30/720) = 0.41$?

According to Example 8 - Container Insights for Amazon EKS and Kube.netes (k8s) on the (CloudWatch Pricing page]( https://aws.amazon.com/cloudwatch/pricing/ ) up to 9 metrics will be sent per pod. In there is even clear that the metrics cost is prorated on hourly basis.根据(CloudWatch 定价页面]( https://aws.amazon.com/cloudwatch/pricing/ ) 上的示例 8 - Amazon EKS 和 Kube.netes (k8s) 的容器洞察,每个 pod 将发送最多 9 个指标。甚至很明显,指标成本是按小时按比例分配的。

I guess the best way to think about is asking yourself how many average running container you'll have during the 30 day period and use that to calculate the cost我想最好的思考方式是问问自己在 30 天内平均运行的容器数量,并用它来计算成本

(n_average_running_pods x 9 x 0.30$USD)

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