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如何修改 rstudio 中的多个数据帧?

[英]How to modify multiple dataframes in rstudio?

I am working with multiple data frames(over 20) and I like to make a loop which add two new columns of mean value of both columns in every data frames.我正在处理多个数据帧(超过 20 个),我喜欢创建一个循环,在每个数据帧中添加两个新列的平均值。 I like to use loop because amount of data frames can alter.我喜欢使用循环,因为数据帧的数量可以改变。

Example of data:数据示例:

   Width Thickness
1  1000    1
2  1500    2

1  1200    3
2  1200    4
3  1000    2

1  1200    3
2  1500    4

desired outcome:
   Width Thickness mean_width mean_thick
1  1000    1           1250       1.5
2  1500    2           1250       1.5

You can get all the dataframes in a list based on the pattern in their name using ls and mget .您可以使用lsmget根据名称中的模式获取列表中的所有数据框。 We can then use lapply to add new columns to each dataframe然后我们可以使用lapply向每个 dataframe 添加新列

new_data <- lapply(mget(ls(pattern = 'df_\\d+')), function(x) {
  x[paste0('mean_', names(x))] <- as.list(colMeans(x, na.rm = TRUE))

new_data will have list of dataframes in them, if you want the changes to be reflected in the original dataframes use list2env : new_data将在其中包含数据帧列表,如果您希望更改反映在原始数据帧中,请使用list2env

list2env(new_data, .GlobalEnv)

I would suggest making a list of dataframes and then applying a function over that list.我建议制作一个数据框列表,然后在该列表上应用 function。

Below I'm using tidyverse's map function but this is also achievable using base R and the apply family of functions:下面我使用的是 tidyverse 的 map function 但这也可以使用基础 R 和 apply 系列函数来实现:


df_list <- list(df_1, df_2, df_3)

map(df_list, mutate, mean_width = mean(Width), mean_thick = mean(Thickness))

It would be better to create a single dataset and then do a group by operation最好创建单个数据集,然后按操作进行分组

mget(ls(pattern = 'df_\\d+')) %>%
      bind_rows(.id = 'grp') %>%
      group_by(grp) %>%
      mutate(across(everything(), mean, na.rm = TRUE, .names = "mean_{col}")) %>%

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