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如何在 ASP.NET Core MVC 中获取本地设备 IP

[英]How to get local device IP in ASP.NET Core MVC

I'm working on a ASP.NET Core project where I have a Login form, and I want to identify device from where the user is trying to login.我正在开发一个 ASP.NET 核心项目,我有一个登录表单,我想识别用户尝试登录的设备。 This is what I find and what I use to get the IP:这是我找到的,也是我用来获取 IP 的:


With this I get only Local Gateway IP instead of local IP of device.有了这个,我只得到本地网关 IP 而不是设备的本地 IP。


The example code works ,but when I publish the Website on my IIS Server it gives me the IP of IIS server, instead of device from where I try to acces the Website For example when I open the Website that is published on IIS server it gaves me the IP of IIS server.I need the device IP address from which I try to access the WebSite. The example code works ,but when I publish the Website on my IIS Server it gives me the IP of IIS server, instead of device from where I try to acces the Website For example when I open the Website that is published on IIS server it gaves我是 IIS 服务器的 IP。我需要设备 IP 地址,我尝试从中访问网站。

Any ideas / suggestions how to get local IP of device.如何获得设备的本地 IP 的任何想法/建议。

Thanks in advance!提前致谢!

Try any one from the below:尝试以下任何一种:

 var ip1 = Request.HttpContext.Connection.LocalIpAddress.ToString();
 var ip2 = Request.HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress.ToString();
 var ip3 = HttpContext.Features.Get<IHttpConnectionFeature>()?.RemoteIpAddress.ToString();
 var ip4 = HttpContext.Features.Get<IHttpConnectionFeature>()?.LocalIpAddress.ToString();

 string remoteIpAddress = HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress.MapToIPv4().ToString();
 if (Request.Headers.ContainsKey("X-Forwarded-For"))
     remoteIpAddress = Request.Headers["X-Forwarded-For"];

The below code will return the local IP Address:以下代码将返回本地 IP 地址:

publicl static string GetLocalIpAddress()  
    UnicastIPAddressInformation mostSuitableIp = null;  
    var networkInterfaces = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces();  
    foreach (var network in networkInterfaces)  
        if (network.OperationalStatus != OperationalStatus.Up)  
        var properties = network.GetIPProperties();  
        if (properties.GatewayAddresses.Count == 0)  
        foreach (var address in properties.UnicastAddresses)  
            if (address.Address.AddressFamily != AddressFamily.InterNetwork)  
            if (IPAddress.IsLoopback(address.Address))  
            if (!address.IsDnsEligible)  
                if (mostSuitableIp == null)  
                    mostSuitableIp = address;  
            // The best IP is the IP got from DHCP server  
            if (address.PrefixOrigin != PrefixOrigin.Dhcp)  
                if (mostSuitableIp == null || !mostSuitableIp.IsDnsEligible)  
                    mostSuitableIp = address;  
            return address.Address.ToString();  
    return mostSuitableIp != null  
        ? mostSuitableIp.Address.ToString()  
        : "";  

If the asp.net core project is located outside the firewall of the local device from which the user is logging in and the user is using a private IP address (RFC 1918) then his/her local firewall will strip out the private IP address and replace that with the public facing IP address as source IP address.如果 asp.net 核心项目位于用户登录的本地设备的防火墙之外,并且用户正在使用私有 IP 地址(RFC 1918),那么他/她的本地地址防火墙将去除私有 ZA12A3079E1490B246将面向公众的 IP 地址作为源 IP 地址。

Have you tried the solution provided by mrchief in Get local IP address ?您是否尝试过Get local IP address中 mrchief 提供的解决方案?

He (she?) uses Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()) to get the local IP address of the machine.他(她?)使用 Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()) 获取机器的本地 IP 地址。

Worth trying.值得尝试。

Regards N问候 N

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