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C# Azure DevOps Git:无法推送新目录

[英]C# Azure DevOps Git: Unable to push new directories

I'm trying to work with Azure DevOps Git API for C#.Net, and for the most part I've figured it out.我正在尝试使用 Azure DevOps Git API for C#.Net,大部分我已经弄明白了。 However I'm having issues with pushing a new directory to the repository.但是,我在将新目录推送到存储库时遇到问题。

Below is the relevant code snippets I have so far;以下是我到目前为止的相关代码片段;

Create the Commit创建提交

        GitCommitRef commit = new GitCommitRef()
            Comment = "Add a sample file",
            Changes = new GitChange[]
                new GitChange()
                    ChangeType = VersionControlChangeType.Add,
                    Item = new GitItem() { Path = "/TESTFOLDER", GitObjectType = GitObjectType.Tree, IsFolder = true },
                    NewContent = null
                    //NewContent = new ItemContent()
                    //    Content = Utilities.ReadFile(fileNamePath),
                    //    ContentType = ItemContentType.RawText

                new GitChange()
                    ChangeType = VersionControlChangeType.Add,
                    Item = new GitItem() {Path = "/TESTFOLDER/" + fileName, GitObjectType = GitObjectType.Blob, IsFolder = false },
                    NewContent = new ItemContent()
                        Content = Utilities.ReadFile(fileNamePath),
                        ContentType = ItemContentType.RawText


Create the Push创建推送

        GitPush toPush = new GitPush()
            RefUpdates = new GitRefUpdate[] { newBranch },
            Commits = new GitCommitRef[] { commit }

        // Create the push with the new branch and commit
        GitPush push = gitClient.CreatePushAsync(toPush, repo.Id).Result;

WHen it executes the Push with that commit, it errors saying "The parameters supplied are not valid. Parameter name: newPush".当它使用该提交执行 Push 时,它会错误提示“提供的参数无效。参数名称:newPush”。

I have had trouble finding anything in the documentation that could help me figure out how to place the "fileName" file, inside a directory created at the same time?我在文档中找不到任何可以帮助我弄清楚如何将“fileName”文件放置在同时创建的目录中的内容?

The error seems to be caused by the GitChange object for the TESTFOLDER directory in GitChanges .该错误似乎是由GitChangeTESTFOLDER目录的GitChanges object 引起的。

You donot need to specify a new GitChange object for the TESTFOLDER directory.您不需要为TESTFOLDER目录指定新的GitChange object。 As @StriplingWarrior commented empty directory is not allowed in git.正如@StriplingWarrior 评论的那样,git 中不允许使用空目录。

You can just specify a new GitChange object for the file only.您可以只为该文件指定一个新的GitChange object。 If the directory which the file resides doesnot exist.如果文件所在的目录不存在。 It will be automatically created.它将自动创建。

See below:见下文:

GitCommitRef commit = new GitCommitRef()
            Comment = "Add a sample file",
            Changes = new GitChange[]
                new GitChange()
                    ChangeType = VersionControlChangeType.Add,
                    Item = new GitItem() {Path = "/TESTFOLDER/" + fileName, GitObjectType = GitObjectType.Blob, IsFolder = false },
                    NewContent = new ItemContent()
                        Content = Utilities.ReadFile(fileNamePath),
                        ContentType = ItemContentType.RawText


See below screen from my test: The directory was automatically created.从我的测试中看到下面的屏幕:目录是自动创建的。


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