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AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'python' in Keras Tensorflow

[英]AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'python' in Keras Tensorflow

System Info:系统信息:

  • keras 2.3.1 keras 2.3.1
  • pip 20.2.2 pip 20.2.2
  • python 3.6.10 python 3.6.10
  • tensorflow 2.3.0 tensorflow 2.3.0

I am working on a siamese algorithm on keras tensorflow backend.我正在 keras tensorflow 后端开发暹罗算法。 I have imported keras backend as follow and it shows above attribute error.我已经按照以下方式导入了 keras 后端,它显示了以上属性错误。 What could be the reason for that and how to avoid this issue?这可能是什么原因以及如何避免这个问题?

import tensorflow.python.keras.backend as K

AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'python' AttributeError:模块“tensorflow”没有属性“python”

It means that within the module 'tensorflow', no attribute named 'python' exists.这意味着在模块“tensorflow”中,不存在名为“python”的属性。 You don't really need to import python as a module I believe.我相信您真的不需要导入 python 作为模块。 Try this:试试这个:

import tensorflow.keras.backend as K


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