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nginx-ingress 和 wordpress 出现 TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS 错误

[英]TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error with nginx-ingress and wordpress

i am facing a TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error in my wordpress application.我在 wordpress 应用程序中遇到 TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS 错误。 Below you can see some printscreens of my configuration:您可以在下面看到我的配置的一些打印屏幕:

Nginx 入口配置

Nginx 配置图

php-fpm proxy_pass


Try to append to a ConfigMap a new server inside the http context using the http-snippet .尝试使用http-snippet将 append 连接到http上下文中的新服务器的 ConfigMap。

For example:例如:

  ssl-redirect: "false"
  hsts: "true"
  server-tokens: "false"
  http-snippet: |
    server {
      listen 8000 proxy_protocol;
      server_tokens off;
      return 301 https://$host$request_uri;

This will prevent overriding the original nginx.tmpl , ensuring more compatibility in case of upgrade the Nginx Ingress version.这将防止覆盖原始的nginx.tmpl ,确保在升级 Nginx Ingress 版本时具有更高的兼容性。

Please take a look: ingress-too-many-redirects , too-many-redirects-with-reverse-proxy .请看一下: ingress-too-many-redirects , too-many-redirects-with-reverse-proxy

Useful article: too-many-redirects-wp有用的文章: 太多重定向-wp

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