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无法将字符串传递给 Page.SetFocus

[英]Cannot Pass String to Page.SetFocus

Client wants after a save (post back) that the cursor returns to the last text box.客户希望在保存(回发)后 cursor 返回到最后一个文本框。 I have it all setup but Page.SetFocus will not accept the variable _toFocus.我已经完成了所有设置,但 Page.SetFocus 不接受变量 _toFocus。 But if I hard code it, it works flawlessly.但是,如果我对其进行硬编码,它将完美无缺。

    protected void TextChangedCheckFail(object sender, EventArgs e)
        TextBox someTxt = sender as TextBox;
        _toFocus = someTxt.ID.ToString();
        //_toFocus = "\"" + someTxt.ID.ToString() + "\"";  Does NOT work
        if (Page.IsPostBack)
            lblTest.Text = _toFocus;  //This label always shows that _toFocus is accurate ID
            //sets focus to the proper control
            Page.SetFocus(_toFocus);  //Does not work
            Page.SetFocus(txtDate);   //Works perfectly


For the life of me I cannot figure out why you cannot pass a variable.对于我的生活,我无法弄清楚为什么你不能传递一个变量。

ANSWERING my own question to help others.回答我自己的问题以帮助他人。 Because Page.SetFocus requires you pass a CONTROL!因为 Page.SetFocus 要求你传递一个 CONTROL!

Page.SetFocus(someTxt); Page.SetFocus(someTxt); works perfect (someTxt was the TextBox i created out of sender).完美运行(someTxt 是我从发件人创建的文本框)。

As I was posting (after two hours of insanity) I figured out my problem.当我发帖时(经过两个小时的精神错乱),我发现了我的问题。

My new code我的新代码

protected void TextChangedCheckFail(object sender, EventArgs e)
    TextBox someTxt = sender as TextBox;
    if (Page.IsPostBack)
        //sets focus to the proper control

You can set focus by just calling focus on the textbox itself;您可以通过在文本框本身上调用焦点来设置焦点; TextBoxID.Focus();文本框ID.Focus();

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