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无法从另一个本地运行的应用程序调用本地运行的 lambda

[英]Cannot invoke a locally running lambda from another locally running application

I have a sails.js backend application and a serverless lambda function. Both are running in the local machine for development purposes, I want to invoke the local running lambda function from the sails.js application, I can use aws-sdk in the sails application, but could it work?我有一个sails.js后端应用程序和一个serverless lambda function。两者都在本地机器上运行用于开发目的,我想从sails.js应用程序invoke本地运行 lambda function,我可以在 sails 中使用aws-sdk应用程序,但它可以工作吗? Is there any way that I can invoke the local lambda from another locally running application?有什么方法可以从另一个本地运行的应用程序调用本地 lambda 吗?

You can do that with serverless-offline plugin.您可以使用无服务器离线插件来做到这一点。 It's pretty well described here https://www.npmjs.com/package/serverless-offline#usage-with-invoke这里描述得很好https://www.npmjs.com/package/serverless-offline#usage-with-invoke

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