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Reactify Django 或分离的前端和后端

[英]Reactify Django or separated frontend and backend

I would like to know why sould reactify Django or why should we use separated django backend and react frontend.我想知道为什么要反应 Django 或者我们为什么要使用分离的 django 后端和反应前端。 which implementation is more scalelable I hope you could help me;)哪个实现更具可扩展性我希望你能帮助我;)

This way (to separate backend & frontend) helps you in different ways.这种方式(分离后端和前端)以不同的方式帮助您。

  1. You can separate backend & frontend developer teams.您可以分离后端和前端开发人员团队。 Thus, you can easily scale your developer teams.因此,您可以轻松扩展您的开发团队。 It's much easier to hire somebody highly skilled in React than somebody skilled in both React & Django .雇用React方面的高技能人员比ReactDjango方面的人员要容易得多。
  2. It's clean.它很干净。 You have separated the logic & UI.您已经分离了逻辑和 UI。
  3. You can have multiple clients with the same backend engine.您可以拥有多个具有相同后端引擎的客户端。 Imagine a day that you want to have a mobile application with the same backend logic.想象有一天,您希望拥有一个具有相同后端逻辑的移动应用程序。

and there are many other reasons.还有很多其他原因。

But you can keep your speed in development if you don't do that.但是如果你不这样做,你可以保持你的开发速度。 Many startups don't separate them and just do the front-end inside template engines like Django's.许多初创公司不会将它们分开,而只是在 Django 之类的模板引擎中做前端。 This helps to be quicker in the development process.这有助于加快开发过程。 You can hire Fullstack developers and everything goes faster than two or multiple teams focusing on their technology.您可以聘请全栈开发人员,一切都比两个或多个专注于他们的技术的团队更快。

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