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在 useEffect React hook 中在不同时间实现多个 Firestore 调用

[英]Implementing multiple Firestore calls at different times within useEffect React hook

useEffect(async() => {
await getWord();
const interval = setInterval(() =>{
time2 = time2 - 1;
        if (time2 == 0) {
          let dataURL = canvasRef.current.toDataURL();
          const db = firebase.firestore();
          db.collection("rooms").where("code", "==", code).get().then((querySnapshot) => {
            querySnapshot.docs.forEach((snapshot) => {
              snapshot.ref.collection("rounds").where("round", "==", round).get().then((querySnapshot) => {
                querySnapshot.docs.forEach((snapshot) => {
                  snapshot.ref.collection("pictures").add({artist: name, dataURL: dataURL, votes: 0}).then(() => {
    }, 1000);
}, []);

I am getting error with above useEffect hook.上面的 useEffect 钩子出现错误。 getWord is a function that implements a firestore call. getWord是一个实现 Firestore 调用的 function。 The error is: "TypeError: n is not a function" and it's involving the firestore function that occurs in getWord , and the firestore call that occurs if time2 == 0. How can I get both asynchronous calls to occur, with obviously the firestore call that takes place inside getWord occurring before the call when time2 == 0?错误是:“TypeError:n 不是函数”,它涉及 getWord 中发生的 firestore function以及 time2 == 0 时发生的 firestore 调用。我怎样才能让两个异步调用都发生,显然是 firestore当 time2 == 0 时发生在getWord内部的调用发生在调用之前? Please let me know if more info is needed.如果需要更多信息,请告诉我。 I just don't understand how using await is not solving this issue.我只是不明白使用 await 不能解决这个问题。

You cannot pass async function as callback inside the useEffect hook because it returns Promise which is not allowed.您不能将异步 function 作为回调传递给 useEffect 挂钩,因为它返回 Promise 这是不允许的。 Simply try calling your function in the useEffect (but don't define the callback function as async itself), and inside that function perform your asynchronous tasks...只需尝试在 useEffect 中调用您的 function (但不要将回调 function 定义为异步本身),然后在 function 内部执行您的异步任务...

useEffect(() => {

    // call your function
myAsyncFunc(); <--- Here
async function myAsyncFunc () => {
await getWord();
const interval = setInterval(() =>{
time2 = time2 - 1;
        if (time2 == 0) {
          let dataURL = canvasRef.current.toDataURL();
          const db = firebase.firestore();
          db.collection("rooms").where("code", "==", code).get().then((querySnapshot) => {
            querySnapshot.docs.forEach((snapshot) => {
              snapshot.ref.collection("rounds").where("round", "==", round).get().then((querySnapshot) => {
                querySnapshot.docs.forEach((snapshot) => {
                  snapshot.ref.collection("pictures").add({artist: name, dataURL: dataURL, votes: 0}).then(() => {
    }, 1000);

}, []);

What it does is saves you from returning a Promise but still lets you perform all your async tasks它的作用是使您免于返回 Promise 但仍允许您执行所有异步任务

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