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[英]How to execute code if a variable has a certain value?

I have a problem with my code.我的代码有问题。 The language is python.语言是python。 I am trying to use an if statement to execute some code if a variable has a certain value.如果变量具有特定值,我正在尝试使用 if 语句来执行一些代码。

op = 5

if(op = 5):
    print("op is 5!")

Every time I run this program, it gives me a syntax error.每次我运行这个程序时,它都会给我一个语法错误。 I have tried doing this instead;我试过这样做;

op = 5

if op = 5:
    print("op is 5!")

But it still gives me the error.但它仍然给我错误。 I am asking this question because I am doing a calculator project and need this.我问这个问题是因为我正在做一个计算器项目并且需要这个。

= is the assignment operator. =是赋值运算符。 You're looking for the equality check operator, == :您正在寻找相等检查运算符==

if op == 5:
    print("op is 5!")

You misspelled the equality check operator.您拼错了相等检查运算符。

The equality check operator is == .相等检查运算符是== You put the assignment operator, which is this: = .您放置了赋值运算符,即: =

The following code will return a SyntaxError :以下代码将返回SyntaxError

foo = input('Enter the value of foo: ')
if foo = '5':
    print('foo is equal to 5!')
    print('foo is not equal to 5!')

But this won't:但这不会:

foo = input('Enter the value of foo: ')
if foo == '5':
    print('foo is equal to 5!')
    print('foo is not equal to 5!')

You just need to change the operator in the if statement to == .您只需要将 if 语句中的运算符更改为==

For comparison we used double equal sign ==为了进行比较,我们使用了双等号 ==

Not single不单身

if op == 5:
    print("op is 5!")

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