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SharePoint WSP 部署未完成,因为 SharePoint 更新

[英]SharePoint WSP deployment does not complete, because SharePoint update

I've access to SharePoint Production Farm Frontend two Servers which don't have Central Admin, I deployed WSP there many times using Add-SPSolution & Install-SPSolution, last time I used Uninstall-SPSolution & Remove-SPSolution to retract and remove WSP and redeploying it again, because I added new feature in the solution.我可以访问 SharePoint Production Farm Frontend 两台没有中央管理的服务器,我在那里多次使用 Add-SPSolution & Install-SPSolution 部署了 WSP,上次我使用 Uninstall-SPSolution & Remove-SPSolution 来收回和删除 WSP并再次重新部署它,因为我在解决方案中添加了新功能。 The problem is, the deploying is stuck and don't complete, as I know after that from Fram's Administrator, a new update has been installed on the Farm and interrupted it.问题是,部署被卡住并且没有完成,正如我从 Fram 的管理员那里知道的那样,农场上安装了一个新的更新并中断了它。

So, if I replaced my solution dll file in GAC, I copied .ascx files to CONTROLTEMPLATES in 16 hive folder and I created Feature.xml file in FEATURES folder in 16 hive, is the deployment will be done by doing these steps?所以,如果我在 GAC 中替换了我的解决方案 dll 文件,我将 .ascx 文件复制到 16 hive 文件夹中的 CONTROLTEMPLATES 并在 16 hive 中的 FEATURES 文件夹中创建了 Feature.xml 文件,部署将通过执行这些步骤来完成吗? I need to do deployment without using PowerShell commands, is that possible?我需要在不使用 PowerShell 命令的情况下进行部署,这可能吗?

Manual Deployment Steps:手动部署步骤:

1- Copy a new featuer folder to Features folder in 16 Hive 1- 将新的 featuer 文件夹复制到 16 Hive 中的 Features 文件夹

2- Copy ascx folder to CONTROLTEMPLATE folder in 16 Hive. 2- 将 ascx 文件夹复制到 16 Hive 中的 CONTROLTEMPLATE 文件夹。

3- Run this command Install-SPFeature -path "C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\microsoft shared\\Web Server Extensions\\16\\TEMPLATE\\FEATURES\\FeatuerFolderName" -Force 3- 运行此命令 Install-SPFeature -path "C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\microsoft shared\\Web Server Extensions\\16\\TEMPLATE\\FEATURES\\FeatuerFolderName" -Force

4- In WebApp config file mark your web part as SafeControl. 4- 在 WebApp 配置文件中,将您的 Web 部件标记为 SafeControl。

5- Change the solution dll file name in GAC and copy and past the new dll file. 5- 在 GAC 中更改解决方案 dll 文件名并复制并粘贴新的 dll 文件。

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