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EF Core 2.2.4 和种子数据

[英]EF Core 2.2.4 and seed data

I have the following code on DataContext:我在 DataContext 上有以下代码:

    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
        modelBuilder.ApplyConfiguration<CollectionSite>(new CollectionSiteMap());
        modelBuilder.ApplyConfiguration<TestOrderAlcoholResult>(new TestOrderAlcoholResultMap());
        //.... other configurations

        modelBuilder.Entity<ButtonStyle>().HasData(new ButtonStyle()
            Label = "Sharp edges",
            Style = "border-radius: 0",
            IsDefault = true,
            Id = 1
        modelBuilder.Entity<ColorScheme>().HasData(new ColorScheme()
            Primary = "#a21521",
            Secondary = "#fcf7f8",
            Text = "#ced3dc",
            Background = "#4e8097",
            Shade = "#90c2e6",
            IsDefault = true,
            Id = 1
        //.... seed other data


but data is not added to tables after update-database .但是在update-database之后数据不会添加到表中。 What is wrong?怎么了?

The OnModelCreating called when you changed your Models or make changes in your DbContext then use Add-Migration and update-database . OnModelCreating在您更改模型或在DbContext 中进行更改时调用,然后使用Add-Migrationupdate-database

OnModelCreating does not run every time when you use update-database . OnModelCreating不会在您每次使用update-database时运行。

According to Microsoft documentation this is better way to use Seed Data根据Microsoft 文档,这是使用种子数据的更好方法

public static void Main(string[] args)
     var host = CreateWebHostBuilder(args).Build();

    using (var scope = host.Services.CreateScope())
        var services = scope.ServiceProvider;
            var context = services.GetRequiredService<DbContext>();
        catch (Exception ex)
            var logger = services.GetRequiredService<ILogger<Program>>();
            logger.LogError(ex, "An error occurred while seeding the database.");

public static class DbInitializer
    public static void InitializeData(DbContext context)
        context.ButtonStyle.Add(new ButtonStyle()
            Label = "Sharp edges",
            Style = "border-radius: 0",
            IsDefault = true,
            Id = 1
        context.ColorScheme.Add(new ColorScheme()
            Primary = "#a21521",
            Secondary = "#fcf7f8",
            Text = "#ced3dc",
            Background = "#4e8097",
            Shade = "#90c2e6",
            IsDefault = true,
            Id = 1

In this case InitializeData is checked every time your program is run, and if there is no record in the database, a new record is saved in the database again.在这种情况下,每次程序运行时都会检查InitializeData ,如果数据库中没有记录,则再次在数据库中保存一条新记录。

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