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Apache Beam 如何对文件使用 TestStream

[英]Apache Beam How to use TestStream with files

I have a simple pipeline that just copies files from source to destination.我有一个简单的管道,它只是将文件从源复制到目标。 Im trying to write tests for the windowing I had set up.我正在尝试为我设置的窗口编写测试。

Is there a way to use the TestStream class for files?有没有办法对文件使用 TestStream 类?

For example:例如:

    public void elementsAreInCorrectWindows() {
        TestStream<FileIO.ReadableFile> testStream = TestStream.create(ReadableFileCoder.of())

However the constructor for ReadableFile is packaged protected so I wouldn't be able to create those objects.但是, ReadableFile 的构造函数是打包保护的,因此我无法创建这些对象。

I think it would be a reasonable feature/pull request to make this Coder public.我认为将这个 Coder 公开是一个合理的功能/拉取请求。 In the meantime, you could have a TestStream that produces elements of another type that you then transform with a DoFn into ReadableFiles.同时,您可以使用 TestStream 生成另一种类型的元素,然后您可以使用 DoFn 将其转换为 ReadableFiles。

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