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BizTalk - 在记录的开头和结尾使用单词分隔符为平面文件构建 XSD

[英]BizTalk - Build XSD for flat file with words delimiter at start and end of records

I am trying to build an XSD file based on the following text file (flat file).我正在尝试基于以下文本文件(平面文件)构建 XSD 文件。 I am using the flat file schema wizard but can't achieve what I want.我正在使用平面文件模式向导,但无法实现我想要的。

Key1 Value1
Key2 Value2
Key1 Value1
Key2 Value2
Key3 Value3

The XSD would be something like : XSD 将类似于:

Record (Delimited by :BEGIN and :END)
|_Association (Delimited by \n)
  |_Key (Delimited by space, first occurence)
  |_Value (second occurence)

I would like my txt file to be transformed as an instance of the xsd file in xml.我希望我的 txt 文件被转换为 xml 中 xsd 文件的一个实例。 The result would be something like :结果将是这样的:


There is only 2 records because last :BEGIN:END block is empty.只有 2 条记录,因为最后一个 :BEGIN:END 块是空的。

My main issue is that I can't find out how to delimit my records by :START and :END tags.我的主要问题是我无法找到如何通过 :START 和 :END 标记分隔我的记录。 Is that even possible ?这甚至可能吗?

Yes, it is possible to do, but not with the Wizard.是的,可以这样做,但不能使用向导。 It is a matter of manually building it up and testing the structure as you add definitions.这是在添加定义时手动构建和测试结构的问题。

It is a matter of using Tag Identifiers for the :BEGIN and :END as well using a Sequence Group to say that these re-occur.使用 :BEGIN 和 :END 的标签标识符以及使用序列组来说明这些重新出现是一个问题。

Additionally at the <Schema> level set Parser Optimization to Complexity.此外,在<Schema>级别将 Parser Optimization 设置为 Complexity。

Depending on what defines the end of your line, you may need to adjust the 0x0A 0x0D (Carriage Return & Line Feed) to what your file actually contains.根据定义行尾的内容,您可能需要将 0x0A 0x0D(回车和换行)调整为文件实际包含的内容。 Also if the last line does not finish with a CR/LF then change it from being Postfix (after) to Infix (between).此外,如果最后一行没有以 CR/LF 结束,则将其从后缀(后)更改为中缀(之间)。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<xs:schema xmlns="http://Scratch.SO63600733" xmlns:b="http://schemas.microsoft.com/BizTalk/2003" targetNamespace="http://Scratch.SO63600733" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
      <b:schemaInfo standard="Flat File" root_reference="Root" default_pad_char=" " pad_char_type="char" count_positions_by_byte="false" parser_optimization="complexity" lookahead_depth="3" suppress_empty_nodes="false" generate_empty_nodes="true" allow_early_termination="false" early_terminate_optional_fields="false" allow_message_breakup_of_infix_root="false" compile_parse_tables="false" />
      <schemaEditorExtension:schemaInfo namespaceAlias="b" extensionClass="Microsoft.BizTalk.FlatFileExtension.FlatFileExtension" standardName="Flat File" xmlns:schemaEditorExtension="http://schemas.microsoft.com/BizTalk/2003/SchemaEditorExtensions" />
  <xs:element name="Root">
        <b:recordInfo structure="delimited" preserve_delimiter_for_empty_data="true" suppress_trailing_delimiters="false" sequence_number="1" />
            <b:groupInfo sequence_number="0" />
        <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="Record">
              <b:recordInfo structure="delimited" preserve_delimiter_for_empty_data="true" suppress_trailing_delimiters="false" child_order="postfix" child_delimiter_type="hex" child_delimiter="0x0D 0x0A" sequence_number="1" />
                  <b:groupInfo sequence_number="0" />
                    <b:groupInfo sequence_number="1" />
                <xs:element name="BEGIN">
                      <b:recordInfo structure="delimited" preserve_delimiter_for_empty_data="true" suppress_trailing_delimiters="false" sequence_number="1" tag_name=":BEGIN" />
                  <xs:complexType />
                <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="Accociation">
                      <b:recordInfo structure="delimited" preserve_delimiter_for_empty_data="true" suppress_trailing_delimiters="false" child_delimiter_type="char" child_order="infix" child_delimiter=" " sequence_number="2" />
                          <b:groupInfo sequence_number="0" />
                      <xs:element name="Key" type="xs:string">
                            <b:fieldInfo sequence_number="1" justification="left" />
                      <xs:element name="value" type="xs:string">
                            <b:fieldInfo sequence_number="2" justification="left" />
                <xs:element name="END">
                      <b:recordInfo structure="delimited" preserve_delimiter_for_empty_data="true" suppress_trailing_delimiters="false" tag_name=":END" child_order="postfix" child_delimiter_type="hex" child_delimiter="0x0A 0x0D" sequence_number="3" />
                  <xs:complexType />

With your example input gives使用您的示例输入给出

<Root xmlns="http://Scratch.SO63600733">
    <Record xmlns="">
    <Record xmlns="">
    <Record xmlns="">

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