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我的 android studio 布局管理器失去了功能

[英]My android studio layout manager lost fuction

My android studio layout manager only has these two options, I don't know what went wrong... I tried deleting the SDK and clearing the cache, but it still can't return to normal... like this picture .Usually it should be like this .我的android studio布局管理器只有这两个选项,不知道是哪里出了问题。。。我试过删除sdk,清除缓存,但是还是不能恢复正常。。。像这张图。通常是这样应该像这样 But when I create a new project, it is normally Show its toolbar但是当我创建一个新项目时,它通常是显示其工具栏

The components of that specific dropdown and all the icons next to it highly depend on which widget (ConstraintLayout, TextView, ImageView, etc.) is selected in the Code section (where your text cursor actually is in the file).该特定下拉列表的组件及其旁边的所有图标在很大程度上取决于在代码部分(文本光标实际位于文件中的位置)中选择的小部件(ConstraintLayout、TextView、ImageView 等)。

If the root container (most of the time a ViewGroup) is selected you'll see:如果选择了根容器(大部分时间是 ViewGroup),您将看到:


If any other widget is selected inside that ViewGroup (container) you'll get what you're after:如果在该 ViewGroup(容器)中选择了任何其他小部件,您将获得所需的内容:


And worth mentioning that you will be shown something different (but relevant) when the selected widget is not inside a ConstraintLayout but some other ViewGroup:值得一提的是,当所选小部件不在 ConstraintLayout 内而是在其他一些 ViewGroup 内时,您将看到不同(但相关)的内容:


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