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DocuSign Power 形式的解密

[英]Decryption in DocuSign Power form

I am opening the DocuSign power form from my salesforce org.我正在从我的销售团队打开 DocuSign 权力表格。 When we open the form we pass few fields values along with power from URL (In encryption mode).当我们打开表单时,我们传递几个字段值以及来自 URL(加密模式)的权力。 I would like to know how to decrypt the values in DocuSign power form.我想知道如何解密 DocuSign 幂形式中的值。

I'm sorry for the slow reply.我很抱歉回复缓慢。 Please be sure to always include the docusignapi tag with your questions.请确保始终在您的问题中包含docusignapi标签。 (We didn't see your question because of that issue.) (由于这个问题,我们没有看到您的问题。)


If you want to know the values that were entered by the signer into a DocuSign powerform, then you have a couple of choices:如果您想知道签名者在 DocuSign powerform 中输入的值,那么您有两个选择:

  1. Use the eSignature REST API to retrieve the values from the envelopes.使用 eSignature REST API 从信封中检索值。 Try the EnvelopeRecipients:list API method and include the query parameter include_tabs=true .尝试EnvelopeRecipients:list API 方法并包含查询参数include_tabs=true You'll first need to get a list of the envelopes that were created because of your PowerForm.您首先需要获取因您的 PowerForm 而创建的信封列表。
  2. Use the Connect web hook feature to receive notifications (which include the tab data) on your server.使用连接网络挂钩功能在您的服务器上接收通知(包括选项卡数据)。

If you have another question, please open a new question here on StackOverflow with the tag docusignapi Thank you.如果您有其他问题,请在 StackOverflow 上打开一个新问题,标签为docusignapi谢谢。

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