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识别 Spring WebClient 使用的 UriBuilder 实现

[英]Identifying UriBuilder implementation used by Spring WebClient

I use the below syntax to make a get call using get client.我使用以下语法使用 get 客户端进行 get 调用。 In the below example , which implementation of URIBuilder is being used and how is automatically inferenced?在下面的示例中,正在使用 URIBuilder 的哪个实现以及如何自动推断?

webclient.get().uri(uriBuilder -> uriBuilder.path("/api/person/{personId}")
    .queryParam("param1", aDouble)
    .queryParam("param2", "A string value with spaces")
    .queryParam("param3", aListOfValues)
    .queryParam("param4", null)

This is the webclient that I am using - WebClient这是我正在使用的网络客户端 - WebClient

You can decide which implementation is used WebClient by providing a UriBuilderFactory while building it.您可以通过在构建时提供UriBuilderFactory来决定使用WebClient的实现。

The WebClient.Builder has a uriBuilderFactory(UriBuilderFactory) method where you can provide your implementation. WebClient.Builder有一个uriBuilderFactory(UriBuilderFactory)方法,您可以在其中提供您的实现。

If you don't provide one, it currently uses DefaultUriBuilderFactory which produces UriComponentsBuilder instances.如果您不提供,它当前使用DefaultUriBuilderFactory生成UriComponentsBuilder实例。

You could always instrument your code to print uriBuilder.getClass() for confirmation.您可以随时检测您的代码以打印uriBuilder.getClass()以进行确认。

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