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如何在 QtCreator 中使用 qmake 和 MinGW32 链接动态库?

[英]How to link a dynamic library in QtCreator use qmake and MinGW32?

I am trying to use hiredis and libevent in my project, I downloaded their source code and compiled them with CmakeGUI and MinGW32.我试图在我的项目中使用hiredis和libevent,我下载了他们的源代码并用CmakeGUI和MinGW32编译它们。 Then i got the header files and those library files.然后我得到了头文件和那些库文件。

  • libevent.a libevent.a
  • libevent.dll事件库
  • libevent.dll.a libevent.dll.a
  • libevent_core.a libevent_core.a
  • libevent_core.dll libevent_core.dll
  • libevent_core.dll.a libevent_core.dll.a
  • libevent_extra.a libevent_extra.a
  • libevent_extra.dll libevent_extra.dll
  • libevent_extra.dll.a libevent_extra.dll.a
  • libhiredis.dll libhiredis.dll
  • libhiredis.dll.a libhiredis.dll.a

Then I wrote some test programs to use these libraries, but could not link successfully The error looks like this:然后我写了一些测试程序来使用这些库,但是无法成功链接错误是这样的:

error: undefined reference to `redisConnect'

here is my pro file and code.这是我的专业文件和代码。

#my pro file
INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/include/hiredis
LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/ -llibhiredis.dll

INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/include/libevent
LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/ -llibevent.dll
LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/ -llibevent_core.dll
LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/ -llibevent_extra.dll
#include "hiredis.h"

MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent)
    : QMainWindow(parent)
    , ui(new Ui::MainWindow) {
    redisContext *asd = redisConnect("", 6379);

This is the compile output这是编译输出

g++ -Wl,-s -Wl,-subsystem,windows -mthreads -o release\Test.exe release/main.o
release/mainwindow.o release/moc_mainwindow.o 
-LC:\Users\VC\Desktop\Test\lib C:\Users\VC\Desktop\Test\lib\libhiredis.dll.a 
-lmingw32 D:\Work\env\cpp\Qt\5.12.9\mingw73_32\lib\libqtmain.a
-LC:\openssl\lib -LC:\Utils\my_sql\mysql-5.6.11-win32\lib 
-LC:\Utils\postgresql\pgsql\lib -lshell32 

release/mainwindow.o:mainwindow.cpp:(.text+0x2c9): undefined reference to `redisConnect'

I tried two different libraries(libevent and hiredis) and got similar results, what am I doing wrong?我尝试了两个不同的库(libevent 和hiredis)并得到了相似的结果,我做错了什么?

thank you谢谢你

Try to remove the .dll, just give the name of the lib, I mean include the lib like this :尝试删除 .dll,只需给出 lib 的名称,我的意思是包含这样的 lib:

INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/include/hiredis
LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/ -llibhiredis  

Then clean the project and run qmake.然后清理项目并运行qmake。


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