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iis 管理器绑定与主机 dns 文件?

[英]iis manager binding vs host dns file?

In the first place i should say that it might seem a bit weird but its a challenge to distinguish between the level of these configurations,for example ,say i want my localhost be accessible through abc.com , i know i should go through two steps:首先,我应该说它可能看起来有点奇怪,但是区分这些配置的级别是一个挑战,例如,说我希望我的localhost可以通过abc.com访问,我知道我应该经过两个步骤:

1.use iis manager bindings 1.使用iis管理器绑定


2.add abc.com to dns host file 2.将abc.comdns主机文件       abc.com

But is not clear for me level of these configs and what is each part's responsibility ?但是我不清楚这些配置的级别以及每个部分的责任是什么?

In a complete url request, steps as follows在一个完整的url请求中,步骤如下

  1. User request abc.com.用户请求 abc.com。
  2. DNS is request for abc.com.(That is why add abc.com to dns host file) DNS 是对 abc.com 的请求。(这就是为什么将 abc.com 添加到 dns 主机文件的原因)
  3. IP address for abc.com is returned.返回 abc.com 的 IP 地址。
  4. Browser send request to the IP address.浏览器向 IP 地址发送请求。
  5. IIS in server return site's page.(That is why use iis manager bindings)服务器中的 IIS 返回站点页面。(这就是使用 iis 管理器绑定的原因)

Complete request 完成请求

Why to use host file 为什么要使用主机文件

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