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如何自动启动 IBM WebSphere 应用服务器 9.x

[英]How to auto-start IBM WebSphere application server 9.x

I have我有

  1. Dmgro1 Dmgro1
  2. Application Server profile (federated with Dmgr01)应用程序服务器配置文件(与 Dmgr01 联合)
  3. No cluster configuration无集群配置

I have added Dmgr01 and Node agent as windows services and they start automatically.我已将 Dmgr01 和 Node 代理添加为 Windows 服务,它们会自动启动。 Now, I want the application server associated with the node agent to start automatically.现在,我希望与节点代理关联的应用程序服务器自动启动。 I tried selecting the option "Start Components as needed" but no luck.我尝试选择“根据需要启动组件”选项,但没有运气。 Can someone help me on how to start the application server automatically when node agent starts有人可以帮助我了解如何在节点代理启动时自动启动应用程序服务器

WebSphere 管理控制台

Please take a look at this link: How nodeagent monitors WebSphere Application Server https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/how-nodeagent-monitors-websphere-application-server请查看此链接:nodeagent 如何监控 WebSphere Application Server https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/how-nodeagent-monitors-websphere-application-server

You should not set the appserver that is federated to a dmgr to start with a Windows Service, you should use the nodeagents ability to start the servers, which is controlled by each application servers monitoring policy您不应将与 dmgr 联合的应用程序服务器设置为使用 Windows 服务启动,您应该使用 nodeagents 功能来启动服务器,这由每个应用程序服务器监控策略控制


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