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Django Graphql 中间件解码令牌

[英]Django Graphql middleware decode token

In my project I used Django and GraphQl for building API. User will be authenticated by API Gateway in AWS , and send a JWT token , with uuid username body, included in the request headers to the backend.在我的项目中,我使用DjangoGraphQl来构建 API。用户将通过AWS中的API Gateway进行身份验证,并发送一个JWT token ,带有 uuid username正文,包含在请求标头中到后端。

I need to decode that token and get an username value, that will be next used in the resolvers.我需要解码该令牌并获取username值,接下来将在解析器中使用。 I have planned to use something similar as G object in Flask or something similar using Rack Djangos middleware but I'm struggling how to do it in Django.我计划在Flask中使用类似于G object 的东西或使用 Rack Djangos 中间件的类似东西,但我正在努力如何在 Django 中做到这一点。

Do you have any idea or hint?你有什么想法或提示吗?

Here's the result which I implemented:这是我实施的结果:

The middleware checks the jwt token before resolver call, based on decoded username it create a User instance, that is assigned in info.context.user parameter.中间件在解析器调用之前检查 jwt 令牌,基于解码的用户名,它创建一个 User 实例,该实例在 info.context.user 参数中分配。 The info.context will be visible in resolver. info.context 将在解析器中可见。

So basically in resolver you can check a User instance as:所以基本上在解析器中你可以检查一个用户实例:

user = info.context.user
if isinstance(user, User):
    # do something

class AuthorizationGraphQLMiddleware:
    """Middleware add User object for each GraphQL resolver info.context"""
    def resolve(self, next, root, info, **kwargs):
        username = None
        auth_header = info.context.META.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION')

        if auth_header:
            username = decode_token(auth_header)['username']

        if username is not None:
            info.context.user = User(username)
            info.context.user = AnonymousUser()

        return next(root, info, **kwargs)

class User:
    name: str

class TokenValidationError(GraphQLError):

def decode_token(token):
        return jwt.decode(token.replace('Bearer ', ''), verify=False)
    except (jwt.DecodeError, AttributeError):
        raise TokenValidationError('Invalid token.')

    'MIDDLEWARE': ('api.graphql.middleware.AuthorizationGraphQLMiddleware',)

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