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ST_GeogFromGeoJSON 在 bigquery 中失败而在 postgres 中成功

[英]ST_GeogFromGeoJSON fails in bigquery while successful in postgres

We have geojson polygons we would like to convert to a geo object in bigquery using ST_GeogFromGeoJSON.我们有 geojson 多边形,我们希望使用 ST_GeogFromGeoJSON 在 bigquery 中将其转换为 geo object。 The conversion fails in bigquery while is successful in postgres using the equivalent command ST_GeomFromGeoJSON.转换在 bigquery 中失败,而在 postgres 中使用等效命令 ST_GeomFromGeoJSON 成功。

I am familiar with the SAFE prefix that can be added to the the bigquery call, but we would like to use the object and not just ignore it in case the conversion fails.我熟悉可以添加到 bigquery 调用的 SAFE 前缀,但我们希望使用 object 而不是在转换失败时忽略它。 I tried converting the object using ST_CONVEXHULL but wasn't able to make it work.我尝试使用 ST_CONVEXHULL 转换 object 但无法使其工作。

Is there some work around in bigquery? bigquery 中有一些解决方法吗?


Running the following command in bigquery在 bigquery 中运行以下命令

select ST_GeogFromGeoJSON('{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-82.022982,26.69785],[-81.606813,26.710698],[-81.999574,26.109253],[-81.615053,26.105558],[-82.022982,26.69785]]]}')


Query failed: ST_GeogFromGeoJSON failed: Invalid polygon loop: Edge 4 crosses edge 9

While runs successfully in postgres虽然在 postgres 中成功运行

select ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-82.022982,26.69785],[-81.606813,26.710698],[-81.999574,26.109253],[-81.615053,26.105558],[-82.022982,26.69785]]]}')

October 2020 Update for this post这篇文章的 2020 年 10 月更新

No more any tricks needed - ST_GEOGFROMGEOJSON and ST_GEOGFROMTEXT geographic functions now support a new make_valid parameter.不再需要任何技巧 - ST_GEOGFROMGEOJSON 和 ST_GEOGFROMTEXT 地理函数现在支持新的make_valid参数。 If set to TRUE, the function attempts to correct polygon issues when importing geography data.如果设置为 TRUE,function 会尝试在导入地理数据时更正多边形问题。

So, below simple statement works perfectly now...所以,下面的简单语句现在可以完美地工作......

select ST_GeogFromGeoJSON(
  , make_valid => true

and returns expected output和预期回报 output


Below is for BigQuery Standard SQL以下是 BigQuery 标准 SQL

Query failed: ST_GeogFromGeoJSON failed: Invalid polygon loop: Edge 4 crosses edge 9
... Is there some work around in bigquery? ... 在 bigquery 中有一些解决方法吗? ... ...

Proposed workaround is obviously naive and simple way of fixing specific issue while easily can be extended to more generic cases.提议的解决方法显然是解决特定问题的幼稚和简单方法,同时可以轻松扩展到更一般的情况。 The idea here is to extract coordinates and reorder them to eliminate the problem...这里的想法是提取坐标并重新排序以消除问题......

WITH test AS (
  SELECT '{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-82.022982,26.69785],[-81.606813,26.710698],[-81.999574,26.109253],[-81.615053,26.105558],[-82.022982,26.69785]]]}' AS geojson
SELECT ST_GEOGFROMGEOJSON('{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":' || fixed_coordinates || '}') AS geo
  SELECT '[[[' || STRING_AGG(lat_lon, '],[') || '],[' || ANY_VALUE(ordered_coordinates[OFFSET(0)]) || ']]]' fixed_coordinates
  FROM (
      ARRAY( SELECT lon_lat
        FROM UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(JSON_EXTRACT(geojson, '$.coordinates'), r'\[+(.*?)\]+')) lon_lat
        ORDER BY CAST( SPLIT(lon_lat)[OFFSET(0)] AS FLOAT64), CAST(SPLIT(lon_lat)[OFFSET(1)] AS FLOAT64)
      ) ordered_coordinates
    FROM test
    ) t, t.ordered_coordinates lat_lon

This produces correct output这会产生正确的 output

POLYGON((-82.022982 26.69785, -81.999574 26.109253, -81.8073135 26.1074055, -81.615053 26.105558, -81.606813 26.710698, -81.8148975 26.704274, -82.022982 26.69785))    

and respective visualization is和相应的可视化是


Below is for BigQuery Standard SQL以下是 BigQuery 标准 SQL

My previous answer is based on oversimplified logic of re-ordering coordinates.我之前的回答是基于重新排序坐标的过于简化的逻辑。 Obviously it will not work in more complex cases like below one显然它不会在像下面这样的更复杂的情况下工作


Is there some more advanced sorting logic that can be applied?是否可以应用一些更高级的排序逻辑?

So more complex logic can be used to address this因此可以使用更复杂的逻辑来解决这个问题

WITH test AS (
  SELECT '{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-0.49044,51.4737],[-0.4907,51.4737],[-0.49075,51.46989],[-0.48664,51.46987],[-0.48664,51.47341],[-0.48923,51.47336],[-0.48921,51.4737],[-0.49072,51.47462],[-0.49114,51.47446],[-0.49044,51.4737]]]}' geojson
), coordinates AS (
  SELECT CAST(SPLIT(lon_lat)[OFFSET(0)] AS FLOAT64) lon, CAST(SPLIT(lon_lat)[OFFSET(1)] AS FLOAT64) lat
  FROM test, UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(JSON_EXTRACT(geojson, '$.coordinates'), r'\[+(.*?)\]+')) lon_lat), stats AS (
  SELECT ST_CENTROID(ST_UNION_AGG(ST_GEOGPOINT(lon, lat))) centroid FROM coordinates
  SELECT point, 
      WHEN ST_X(point) > ST_X(centroid) AND ST_Y(point) > ST_Y(centroid) THEN 3.14 - angle
      WHEN ST_X(point) > ST_X(centroid) AND ST_Y(point) < ST_Y(centroid) THEN 3.14 + angle
      WHEN ST_X(point) < ST_X(centroid) AND ST_Y(point) < ST_Y(centroid) THEN 6.28 - angle
      ELSE angle
    END sequence
  FROM (
    SELECT point, centroid, 
      ACOS(ST_DISTANCE(centroid, anchor) / ST_DISTANCE(centroid, point)) angle
    FROM (
      SELECT centroid, 
        ST_GEOGPOINT(lon, lat) point, 
        ST_GEOGPOINT(lon, ST_Y(centroid)) anchor
      FROM coordinates, stats

This approach produces correct output这种方法产生正确的 output

POLYGON((-0.49075 51.46989, -0.48664 51.46987, -0.48664 51.47341, -0.48923 51.47336, -0.48921 51.4737, -0.49072 51.47462, -0.49114 51.47446, -0.49044 51.4737, -0.4907 51.4737, -0.49075 51.46989))

which is visualized as below如下图所示


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