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.NET Framework 与 .NET Standard 之间的区别?

[英]Difference between .NET Framework versus .NET Standard?

My apologies if this question is a bit naive but how can you tell if a project is in .NET Framework versus .NET Standard.如果这个问题有点幼稚,我很抱歉,但您如何判断项目是在 .NET Framework 中还是在 .NET Standard 中。 I have a project that was originally written in .NET Framework 4.+ and have been asked to confirm that it has been updated to .NET Standard.我有一个最初用 .NET Framework 4.+ 编写的项目,并被要求确认它已更新为 .NET Standard。 How would I be able to determine this?我如何才能确定这一点?

.Net Framework is the original version of .Net that is dependent on the Windows operating system. .Net Framework 是 .Net 的原始版本,它依赖于 Windows 操作系统。 .Net Standard is a compatability API that was created to allow assemblies (the .net term for .dll files), to be compiled for either .Net Framework or .Net Core (.Net Core is the new version of .Net that can be run on either windows or Linux). .Net Standard 是一种兼容性 API,旨在允许程序集(.dll 文件的 .net 术语)针对 .Net Framework 或 .Net Core(.Net Core 是 .Net 的新版本,可以在 Windows 或 Linux 上运行)。

.Net Standard provides a slightly smaller API that doesn't have some of the platform specific features in it. .Net Standard 提供了一个稍微小一些的 API,其中没有一些特定于平台的功能。 The current version of .Net Standard is 2.1. .Net Standard 的当前版本是 2.1。

You can test an assembly to see if it can be switched to .Net Standard using the .Net portability analyzer .您可以测试一个程序集,看看它是否可以使用.Net 可移植性分析器切换到 .Net Standard。

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