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[英]How to type-hint a function return based on input parameter value?

How can I type-hint a function in Python based on the value of an input parameter?如何根据输入参数的对 Python 中的函数进行类型提示?

For instance, consider the following snippet:例如,请考虑以下代码段:

from typing import Iterable

def build(
    source: Iterable,
    factory: type
) -> ?: # what can I write here?
    return factory(source)

as_list = build('hello', list) # -> list ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']
as_set = build('hello', set) # -> set {'h', 'e', 'l', 'o'}

When building as_list , the value of factory is list , and this should be the type annotation.构建as_listfactory值为list ,这应该是类型注解。

I am aware of this other question , but, in that case, the return type depended only on the input types , not on their values .我知道另一个问题,但是,在那种情况下,返回类型仅取决于输入类型,而不取决于它们的 I would like to have def build(source: Iterable, factory: type) -> factory , but of course this doesn't work.我想要def build(source: Iterable, factory: type) -> factory ,但这当然行不通。

I am also aware of Literal types in Python 3.8+, and something similar to this could be achieved:我也知道 Python 3.8+ 中的Literal 类型,并且可以实现类似的东西:

from typing import Iterable, Literal, overload
from enum import Enum

FactoryEnum = Enum('FactoryEnum', 'LIST SET')

def build(source: Iterable, factory: Literal[FactoryEnum.LIST]) -> list: ...

def build(source: Iterable, factory: Literal[FactoryEnum.SET]) -> set: ...

But this solution would make factory useless (I could just define two functions build_list(source) -> list and build_set(source) -> set ).但是这个解决方案会使factory无用(我可以只定义两个函数build_list(source) -> listbuild_set(source) -> set )。

How can this be done?如何才能做到这一点?

Rather than using type , you could use a generic and define the factory as a Callable , as follows:您可以使用泛型并将factory定义为Callable ,而不是使用type ,如下所示:

from typing import Callable, Iterable, TypeVar

T = TypeVar('T')

def build(
    source: Iterable,
    factory: Callable[[Iterable], T]
) -> T:
    return factory(source)

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