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Discord.js 如何发出命令让我的语音频道中的每个成员都加入?

[英]Discord.js How to make a command to get every member in my voice channel?

I'm trying to make a command in discord.js v12 to move every member connected to a voice channel in my guild into a different voice channel.我正在尝试在discord.js v12发出命令,将连接到我公会中的语音频道的每个成员移动到不同的语音频道。 This is my current code:这是我当前的代码:

// Move All
client.on("message", (message) => {
  if (message.content.startsWith(prefix + "moveall")) {
    if (message.member.hasPermission("MUTE_MEMBERS")) {
      const channels = message.guild.channels.filter((c) => c.type === "voice");
        "**Moved all members in your channel** :white_check_mark:"
      if (message.member.voice.channel) {
        for (const [memberID, member] of channels.members) {
      } else {
        message.reply("You need to be in a voice channel first!");

You would have to use forEach() , so you would get members from every single channel and every single one would be moved您将不得不使用forEach() ,因此您将从每个频道获得成员,并且每个频道都会被移动

//we are getting every channel from the server, then filter it so our outcome is going to only include voice channels
  message.guild.channels.cache.filter((c) => c.type == "voice").forEach((voicechannel) => {

//now we are getting members from each single channel
  voicechannel.members.forEach((x) => {
    try {
      //we set the voice channel for every member

      //Let's log to check if everything is moving nicely
      console.log(x.id + "Was moved!");

    } catch (err) {

      //let's catch, inform about error and log it
      message.channel.send("Something went wrong")
      return console.log(err);



//we return a message that operation went successful
return message.channel.send("Everyone was moved!")

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