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kubernetes Pods 之间的 TLS 通信(更轻量级的解决方案)

[英]kubernetes TLS communication between pods (lighter solution)

I am adding security to my cluster.我正在为我的集群添加安全性。 One of the requirements is that the communication between pods is secure.要求之一是 Pod 之间的通信是安全的。

The most viable option I found is to implement a "service mesh".我发现的最可行的选择是实现“服务网格”。 I have seen that Calico, Istio, Linkerd are good options.我已经看到 Calico、Istio、Linkerd 是不错的选择。 But I don't know which one is the lightest as any of them have a lot of components that I won't really need.但我不知道哪一个最轻,因为它们中的任何一个都有很多我并不真正需要的组件。

If you have another recommendation, it is welcome.如果您有其他建议,欢迎提出。

I read:我读:

Calico is an overlay network and CNI implementation. Calico 是一个覆盖网络和 CNI 实现。 It won't automatically encrypt the communication between pods on its own, as far as I know.据我所知,它不会自动加密 Pod 之间的通信。

Linkerd and Istio are service meshes which implement CNI to encrypt traffic with a CNI provider like calico, but a CNI provider is not required. Linkerd 和 Istio 是服务网格,它们实现 CNI 以使用 CNI 提供程序(如 calico)加密流量,不需要 CNI 提供程序。

Linkerd will automatically encrypt traffic with mTLS out of the box. Linkerd 将使用开箱即用的 mTLS自动加密流量。

I think Istio added that feature recently.我认为 Istio 最近添加了该功能。

Linkerd is much easier to install and use, and its proxy is faster and uses fewer resources . Linkerd 更容易安装和使用,它的代理速度更快,使用的资源更少

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