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React-rainbow 组件颜色主题

[英]React-rainbow components color theme

I have an app that I started developing recently and I'm considering moving over to react-rainbow.我有一个最近开始开发的应用程序,我正在考虑转移到 react-rainbow。 Is there a way to set a color theme for all react-rainbow components?有没有办法为所有 react-rainbow 组件设置颜色主题?

Customization is allowed by using the <Application /> component as a wrapper of your entire application, the component property theme will accept an object where you can specify your palette of colors.通过使用<Application />组件作为整个应用程序的包装器允许自定义,组件属性主题将接受一个对象,您可以在其中指定您的调色板。

const theme = {
    rainbow: {
        palette: {
            brand: '#5c56b6',

<Application theme={theme}>
        label="Button Brand"
        onClick={() => alert('clicked!')}

You can find more documentation here https://react-rainbow.io/#/Customization您可以在此处找到更多文档https://react-rainbow.io/#/Customization

First, you have to create an object with the customizations you want to add, then you import Application from react-rainbow-components and wrap your components with Application.首先,您必须使用要添加的自定义创建一个对象,然后从 react-rainbow-components 导入 Application 并使用 Application 包装您的组件。 Finally, you pass your customizations object as the prop theme to Application.最后,您将自定义对象作为道具主题传递给应用程序。 This is an example.这是一个例子。

import React from 'react';
import { Application, Button } from 'react-rainbow-components';

const theme = {
    rainbow: {
        palette: {
            brand: '#5c56b6',

<Application theme={theme} className="rainbow-p-vertical_xx-large rainbow-align-content_center">
        label="Button Brand"
        onClick={() => alert('clicked!')}

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