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.htaccess 301 仅重定向 1 个文件夹

[英].htaccess 301 redirect 1 folder only

I'm working on a WordPress site.我在一个 WordPress 网站上工作。

I want to 301 redirect all of these links我想 301 重定向所有这些链接

example.com/ a > example.com/ b example.com/ a > example.com/ b

example.com/ a /level1/level2 > example.com/ b /level1/level2 example.com/ a /level1/level2 > example.com/ b /level1/level2

example.com/ a /level1/level2/?productid=123 > example.com/ b /level1/level2/?productid=123 example.com/ a /level1/level2/?productid=123 > example.com/ b /level1/level2/?productid=123

However, I don't want to affect example.com/ c , example.com/ d , example.com/ e , etc.但是,我不想影响 example.com/ c 、 example.com/ d 、 example.com/ e等。

How would I go about 301 redirecting all of the a traffic to b?我将如何处理 301 将所有 a 流量重定向到 b 的问题?

Just place this redirect rule below RewriteEngine On line:只需将此重定向规则放在RewriteEngine On下方即可:

RewriteEngine ^a(/.*)?$ /b$1 [L,NC,NE,R=301]

Query string will be automatically forwarded to new URL.查询字符串将自动转发到新的 URL。

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