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如何在包含星号的文本单元格上运行 Google 表格查询

[英]How to run Google-sheets query on text cell containing asterisk

When I use this query in Google sheets当我在 Google 表格中使用此查询时

=QUERY('Kontoutdrag länsförsäkringar'!$A$3:$F$1000186;"SELECT sum(F) WHERE B >= date'" & TEXT(DATEVALUE(J$4);"yyyy-mm-dd") & "' AND B <= date '"& TEXT(DATEVALUE(J$5);"yyyy-mm-dd") &"' AND D matches '" & JOIN("|";$T10:$CZ10) &"' AND D != '' label sum(F)'' ")

It will skip any cell that contains an asterisk somewhere in the text, the character它将跳过文本中某处包含星号的任何单元格,字符


The error is in this match part错误在这个匹配部分

AND D matches '" & JOIN("|";$T10:$CZ10)

If the D column's text (and the corresponding, identical cell in the join range) contains an asterisk it will not match.如果 D 列的文本(以及连接范围内相应的相同单元格)包含星号,则它将不匹配。

Is there a way to escape this so that I can have cells with the asterisk in the text?有没有办法避免这种情况,以便我可以在文本中使用带有星号的单元格?

This value will work这个值会起作用

K Batteriexp

This value will not be picked up by the query查询不会选取此值


If asterisk is the only problem, You can escape it using regex:如果星号是唯一的问题,您可以使用正则表达式将其转义:

AND D matches '" & ARRAYFORMULA(JOIN("|";REGEXREPLACE($T10:$CZ10,"\*","\\*")))


K*Batteriexp //Means 'K' repeated 0 or more times


K\*Batteriexp //means a literal *

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