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EPERM 错误运行测试 nodejs / CodeceptJS

[英]EPERM error running tests nodejs / CodeceptJS

I have 4 simple logon scenarios in my feature and running them individually using the scenario.only option results in them succeeding 100% of the time.我的功能中有 4 个简单的登录场景,使用场景.only 选项单独运行它们会导致它们在 100% 的时间内成功。 If I attempt to run all scenarios within the feature, at some point during execution, the following error occurs.如果我尝试运行该功能中的所有场景,在执行过程中的某个时刻,会发生以下错误。

[Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink 'C:\Users\RBOUR2\AppData\Local\Temp\puppeteer_dev_chrome_profile-SkYvSM\CrashpadMetrics-active.pma'] {

  errno: -4048,

  code: 'EPERM',

  syscall: 'unlink',

  path: 'C:\\Users\\RBOUR2\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\puppeteer_dev_chrome_profile-SkYvSM\\CrashpadMetrics-active.pma'

I am fairly new to node so am hoping someone can help me understand what this means and what area I should be troubleshooting in to try and resolve it.我对节点相当陌生,所以我希望有人能帮助我理解这意味着什么以及我应该在哪个领域进行故障排除以尝试解决它。

I have found several articles online specific to node, reinstall with specific switches, etc., and nothing I have tried up to this point has fixed the issue.我在网上找到了几篇特定于节点的文章,用特定的开关重新安装等,到目前为止我没有尝试过任何解决问题的方法。

Any assistance would be hugely appreciated.任何帮助将不胜感激。

In my case, running the codeceptjs with --verbose flag helped to clear the error.就我而言,使用 --verbose 标志运行 codeceptjs 有助于清除错误。

npx codeceptjs run --steps --verbose

Once you run with --verbose flag, you can simply run without it.使用 --verbose 标志运行后,您可以在没有它的情况下简单地运行。

npx codeceptjs run --steps

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