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是否可以在 C++ 中的单个操作中同时获得除法的模数和商数?

[英]Is it possible to get both the modulus and quotient of division in a single operation in C++?

I hear that when the processor does / or %, it will perform the same operation but one way it returns the quotient, the other way the remainder.我听说当处理器执行 / 或 % 时,它将执行相同的操作,但一种方式返回商,另一种方式返回余数。

Is it possible to get both in a single operation?是否可以在一次操作中同时获得两者? Maybe if I throw in a snippet of assembly code (which I've never done)?也许如果我加入一段汇编代码(我从未做过)?

Yes, the compiler will do it for you.是的,编译器会为你做这件事。 Just use a divide followed by a remainder with the same operands.只需使用除法后跟具有相同操作数的余数。
https://godbolt.org/z/oK4f4s https://godbolt.org/z/oK4f4s

void div(int n, int d, int *q, int *r)
    *q = n / d;
    *r = n % d;

div(int, int, int*, int*):
        mov     eax, edi
        mov     r8, rdx
        idiv    esi
        mov     DWORD PTR [r8], eax
        mov     DWORD PTR [rcx], edx

Is it possible to get both in a single operation?是否可以在一次操作中同时获得两者?

No, there is no such operator in C++.不,C++ 中没有这样的运算符。 There is function in the standard library which does both operations: std::div标准库中有一个函数可以执行这两种操作: std::div

But this doesn't matter.但这没关系。 Whether you have one or two operations in C++ doesn't mean that the cpu would have to perform that many operations.无论您在 C++ 中有一个还是两个操作,并不意味着 cpu 必须执行那么多操作。 A half decent optimiser will be able to translate both operations into a single instruction (assuming that is possible with the target CPU).一个不错的优化器将能够将两个操作转换为一条指令(假设目标 CPU 可以实现)。

Yes.是的。 That's what the functions std::remquo and std::div do.这就是std::remquostd::div函数所做的。

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