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[英]How to calculate a duration between two dates in luxon?

Luxon's documentation for the Duration.fromISO method describes it as Luxon 的Duration.fromISO方法文档将其描述为

Create a Duration from an ISO 8601 duration string从 ISO 8601 持续时间字符串创建持续时间

Nowhere is mentioned the ability to create a duration based on two dates .没有提到基于两个日期创建持续时间的能力。 My typical use case would be: "did the event between date ISODAT1 and ISODATE2 last more than an hour?"我的典型用例是: “日期 ISODAT1 和 ISODATE2 之间的事件是否持续了一个多小时?” . .

What I will do is to transform the dates into a timestamp and check whether the difference is greater than 3600 (seconds), I believe however that there is a more native way to make the check.我要做的是将日期转换为时间戳并检查差异是否大于 3600(秒),但是我相信有一种更原生的方法来进行检查。

You could use DateTime 's .diff ( doc )你可以使用DateTime.diff ( doc )

Return the difference between two DateTimes as a Duration.将两个 DateTime 之间的差异作为 Duration 返回。

 const date1 = luxon.DateTime.fromISO("2020-09-06T12:00") const date2 = luxon.DateTime.fromISO("2019-06-10T14:00") const diff = date1.diff(date2, ["years", "months", "days", "hours"]) console.log(diff.toObject())
 <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/luxon@1.25.0/build/global/luxon.min.js"></script>


const date1 = luxon.DateTime.fromISO("2020-09-06T12:00");
const date2 = luxon.DateTime.fromISO("2019-06-10T14:00");
const diff = Interval.fromDateTimes(later, now);
const diffHours = diff.length('hours');

if (diffHours > 1) {
  // ...

Documentation for Luxon v2.x Luxon v2.x 的文档

In the Luxon documentation they mention durations and intervals.在 Luxon 文档中,他们提到了持续时间和间隔。 It seems that you would be best off using Intervals and then calling the .length('hours') on the Interval if you're interested to know if something has been over an hour.如果您有兴趣知道某事是否已经超过一个小时,您似乎最好使用 Intervals 然后在 Interval 上调用.length('hours')


The Duration class represents a quantity of time such as "2 hours and 7 minutes". Duration 类表示时间量,例如“2 小时 7 分钟”。

const dur = Duration.fromObject({ hours: 2, minutes: 7 });

dur.hours;   //=> 2
dur.minutes; //=> 7
dur.seconds; //=> 0

dur.as('seconds'); //=> 7620
dur.toObject();    //=> { hours: 2, minutes: 7 }
dur.toISO();       //=> 'PT2H7M'


Intervals are a specific period of time, such as "between now and midnight".间隔是特定的时间段,例如“从现在到午夜之间”。 They're really a wrapper for two DateTimes that form its endpoints.它们实际上是形成其端点的两个 DateTime 的包装器。

const now = DateTime.now();
const later = DateTime.local(2020, 10, 12);
const i = Interval.fromDateTimes(now, later);

i.length()                             //=> 97098768468
i.length('years')                      //=> 3.0762420239726027
i.contains(DateTime.local(2019))       //=> true

i.toISO()       //=> '2017-09-14T04:07:11.532-04:00/2020-10-12T00:00:00.000-04:00'
i.toString()    //=> '[2017-09-14T04:07:11.532-04:00 – 2020-10-12T00:00:00.000-04:00)

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