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[英]How can I manipulate python list and convert it to pandas dataframe?

I want to create a pandas dataframe.我想创建一个熊猫数据框。 I have the following data list received from a program:我从程序中收到以下数据列表:

rawdatalist = [
            'Run Id':'25',
            'Run Id':'24',
            'cpu':[{'Server1':(17.91, 57.81)},{'Server2':(21.33, 61.43)},{'Server3':(2.96, 6.59)}]
            'Run Id':'25',
            'cpu':[{'Server1':(17.01, 41.28)},{'Server2':(23.56, 68.13)}]
            'Run Id':'24',
            'cpu':[{'Server1':(22.23, 45.47)},{'Server2':(18.65, 48.95)},{'Server3':(1.62, 2.86)},{'Server4':(1.59, 4.19)}]

Desired Output:期望输出:

1st dataframe with first values of dictionary具有字典第一个值的第一个数据框

cpu         run id 25   run id 24   run id 25   run id 24
Server1     21.62       17.91       17.01       22.23
Server2     18.0        21.33       23.56       18.65
Server3     None        2.96        None        1.62        
Server4     None        None        None        1.59

2nd dataframe with second values of dictionary具有字典第二个值的第二个数据框

cpu         run id 25   run id 24   run id 25   run id 24
Server1     65.16       57.81       41.28       45.47
Server2     60.43       61.43       68.13       48.95
Server3     None        6.59        None        2.86        
Server4     None        None        None        4.19

I think there is certainly an easier way to solve the problem and I am looking forward to further answers.我认为肯定有更简单的方法来解决这个问题,我期待着进一步的答案。 Until then, my approach:在那之前,我的方法是:

import pandas as pd
from collections import ChainMap

# store name of the keys
key_name = 'Project_Name'
key_id = 'Run Id'
key_cpu = 'cpu'

# store all possible names and project ids
names = set()
run_ids = set()
for data in rawdatalist:

# create multi index
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([names, run_ids], names=[key_name, key_id])

# initialize both data frames
first_df = pd.DataFrame(index=index)
second_df = pd.DataFrame(index=index)

for data in rawdatalist:
    # store the value for each key
    project_name = data[key_name]
    run_id = data[key_id]
    cpus = data[key_cpu]

    # merge the list of dicts to one
    row = dict(ChainMap(*cpus))
    keys = list(row.keys())
    values = list(row.values())

    # store the first part of tuple and set in first data frame
    first_value = [x[0] for x in values]
    first_df.loc[(project_name, run_id), keys] = first_value

    # store the second part of tuple and set in second data frame
    second_value = [x[1] for x in values]
    second_df.loc[(project_name, run_id), keys] = second_value

# transpose
first_df = first_df.T
second_df = second_df.T


Project_Name   App1          App2       
Run Id           25     24     25     24
Server2       18.00  21.33  23.56  18.65
Server1       21.62  17.91  17.01  22.23
Server3         NaN   2.96    NaN   1.62
Server4         NaN    NaN    NaN   1.59

Project_Name   App1          App2       
Run Id           25     24     25     24
Server2       60.43  61.43  68.13  48.95
Server1       65.16  57.81  41.28  45.47
Server3         NaN   6.59    NaN   2.86
Server4         NaN    NaN    NaN   4.19

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